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Present timeAdriene's povI was walking down the streets while reading the newspaper when I heard someone yelling

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Present time
Adriene's pov
I was walking down the streets while reading the newspaper when I heard someone yelling. I looked around only to see Sherlock on his knees before Miss Hudson.
I bet he didn't pay again.. I sighed and walked over to them.
,,Good Morning Miss Hudson!''I waved while glaring at Sherlock who was being cornered by both of us.
,,Why hello, Lady Adriene!''she smiled at me.

,,You should protect me Addie!''yelled Sherlock on the ground.
,,Sherlock!! Have some manners!''I just chuckled.
,,No, no, It's fine, I prefer to go by Addie anyways''
,,Oh yeah, Let me guess! You haven't paid again..''I looked back the detective again.

,,I'm really at my wits' end!''cried out the landlady.
,,Oh, Miss Hudson, being cross will give you wrinkles!''
,,What did you say?! And just whose fault is that I'm cross?!''I just sweatdropped at the sight of the lady punching Sherlock's back.
,,N-Now now.. What if you were to find a flatmate for Holmes, one who would split the rent?''I asked.

-time skip-

Miss Hundson was sitting angrily in one of the chairs while I just stood next to her dumbfounded.
Sherlock introduced plenty people to us, the problem is.. They couldn't pay.
,,My, my.. I might have someone in mind, let me ask him..''I sighed.


,,He said he will come tomorrow''I stepped in Sherlocks room who was now experimenting.. I sniffed.. cow blood?
,,Okay then''he answered and focused on his work.
,,How do you do these days?''I asked out of boredoom.
,,It's been quite fun lately.. I met someone on Noahtic and I have found a really good mystery  too. I was getting kinda bored anyways..''
,,Hmm.. Who did you meet?''I asked while finding the comfort on his sofa.
,,I don't know his name, he's a professor.. He's actually very clever.. might be better than me.''he was done and turned around.
,,Better than you? I've never met anyone with the same knowledge as you. Even I couldn't beat you solving a mystery..''I was truly surprised.

,,I don't exactly know, but I'd like to find out if he can..''

-time skip again(sorry, I really want to go on to william and Adriene lol)-

,,Oh ho, Sherlock became famous?''I widened my eyes, looking at the newspaper. I should congratulate him... That's how I started walking to Miss Hudson's home.

I knocked waiting for an answer but instead, I heard a gunshot. What?!
I kicked in the door and ran upstairs ready for any attacks but none came. I just saw Sherlock sitting on a chair, his head hanging low, while his hair covered his face.
,,What happened? Was that you Sherlock?''asked John, who just reached upstairs, Miss Hudson catching her breath behind him. They noticed me but focused on the man infront of us.

Silence filled the air between us, till..
,,What was that?! Is everyone alright?!''Mr. Lestrade came running upstairs.
,,Holmes, were you the one who was shooting?''he walked closer to the detective.
,,Yeah, to get you to come up here.''This confused all of us.
,,Is this about the new mystery you have spoken of?''I asked with pure curiosity.
,,Yes.. Lestrade, Is there any cases where aristocrats have recently died?''asked Sherlock.
,,Now that you mention it.. I've heard that the Viscount of Redshire passed away.''

,,We're going to go there and investigate.''


As we were sitting on the train, Sherlock was just like a child. A child that didn't get what they wanted.
,,Are you really sure you'll be fine Miss Adriene? You don't need to come with us..,,asked John worriedly. I just chuckled.
,,My, don't worry. I'm already on the train and I wouldn't give my life that easily. I may not look like it, but I have learned self-defense since from a young age.,,I gave him a closed eyed smile while he was just surprised.

A while later we found out that the case wasn't a murder so we returned to wait for the train, that will bring us home.

,,Honestly, to hell with your death by illness.
Get yourself killed seriously..,,
,,Sherlock.''I said, while giving him a glare which he turned away from.
,,John, match.,,I was surprised. Just what is his problem?
,,You smoke too much. It's bad for your health!.. You should stop!''
,,Leave it alone and just give me one! I know you have some!''the bluenette started arguing. He was getting kinda annoying now..
,,Don't you know how to ask nicely?!''I yelled at him.
,,Huh? You,re speaking now? You are useless, you know that?!''I was shocked. How could he say that? Just who does he think he is?!
,,Useless, am I? Well how useful were you on this case today?!''

,,And you! You're partly to blame why for me being so upset in the first place! Why did you stop me when you did..?''he pointed at John.
,,Are you saying that if I didn't stop you, you would have shot him?!''My eyes widened once again. Sherlock shooting someone?
,,I should have shot him when I could.. It's what he wanted too..''he said, almost whispering.
,,I would have been one step closer to a huge mystery!''he raised his voice again. Was this the mystery he mentioned before? Why is it so important?
,,I am profoundly disappointed in you..''I whispered while John lowered his hat.

John gave us the ticket.. more likely, smacked it to Sherlock's face and so he closed himself in our cabin so we started to walk to the restaurant. A waiter showed us a table and we sat down.
,,Confound that John.. What is he, a woman?''he asked himself.
,,Did you ever realize that I'm also a woman or am I just a ghost here?''
,,What's gotten into you?! You're acting like a child all day!''I started massaging my nose bridge, while I took out a book from my bag.

Soon after I was already lost in reading and didn't notice that Sherlock left..

Sherlock's pov
,,Professor! It's so good to see you here''I sat down to their table.
,,Likewise''he answered, smiling.
,,People have been bothering me all day, especially this woman who I didn't even ask to come with me, it's good to finally find someone who I can be honest with.''I sighed.
William turned away, looking for the ,,woman'' that I came with.

William's pov
I found the lady sitting on one of the sofa's. She was reading. She had black hair and almost white skin. Not much later she turned around only to find me staring at her. Her eyes.. they were purple.. I would recognize them anywhere..

Adriene's pov
Blonde hair and those scarlet eyes, that I would recognize anytime..

It was him.

It was her.

I'm excited and I have no idea why. TELL ME IF IT'S GOOD OR NOT PLS, I'M WORRIED!

,,Together against the world'' William James Moriarty x ocWhere stories live. Discover now