Chapter 11

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Juanita had to cook dinner at the lodge, so she left early to go over and get organized. She said she liked to get her ducks in a row before people started ordering meals. Michelle and I took Rosalie down to the pro shop at the golf course. Michelle tried to talk me out of renting a cart, but I insisted. I figured that I could play more quickly, and if Rosalie got tired we wouldn't have to carry her.

I rented clubs and bought a dozen balls colored international signal orange. The green fee was expensive, but Michelle knew the golf pro and he waived the fee. It seemed like everyone knew Michelle up there. They had a little community of people who looked out for each other.

Michelle and Rosalie sat in the cart and watched me get ready to tee off.

"Isn't it usually busier than this here?" I asked Michelle.

"Most of the tourists go home Sunday afternoon. It'll pick up again on Wednesday."

"It's just as well. No one here to witness the disaster."

"Brick said you were quite a golfer."

"I used to be pretty fair," I said. "But it's been a while."

The first hole was a long one. I pulled a three wood from the golf bag strapped to the back of the cart. Michelle and Rosalie were signing language back and forth.

"Rosalie wants to know if you'll teach her to play golf," Michelle asked. I nodded at Rosalie.

"I'd be delighted," I said.

I set my grip, blanked my mind, loosened my shoulders, and drove through the ball, letting momentum carry the head of the club through the ball instead of pulling through it with my muscles. The ball sailed cleanly to treetop level, then dropped and rolled to within twenty yards of the green. Once I got over my surprise at hitting it so well, I slid the club back into the bag and climbed into the driver's seat.

The first eight holes were a marvel. I had been keeping track of my strokes and knew I was only three over par when I teed up for the ninth hole. It was a short hole, all uphill. The green sat at the end of a short rise on the fairway with the flag hanging limply on the pin. I drove the ball with a five iron and watched it arc high before bouncing onto the green. I was ecstatic when I got into the cart. I knew I had a chance at a birdie.

When I pulled the cart to a stop beside the green, Rosalie began pointing at the ball and signing to Michelle. I could see why she was excited. The ball was only a few feet from the hole. If I didn't choke, I could birdie the putt and finish the front nine at only two over par. Rosalie got out of the cart when I did. I went over to the flag and pulled it from the hole, savoring the moment.

I walked back across the green towards the cart. I could see down the hill to the fairway and onto several other fairways carved from the trees. The view was stunning. Rosalie and Michelle were standing at the back of the cart by the golf bag. Rosalie was signing to Michelle intently. I got the putter from the bag.

"Rosalie wants to know if you'll let her hit the ball this time," Michelle said.

I was taken aback. "I'd really like to sink this putt, Michelle. I can't believe I'm playing this well."

Rosalie came over and grabbed the putter. I didn’t want to let go of it.

"You can say no," Michelle said. "But she shared her cookies with you."

I sighed and let go.

"You'll be rewarded in heaven," Michelle said.

"I hope it's sooner than that."

Rosalie strode purposefully to the ball. She held the putter halfway down the shaft and tapped at the ball. The orange ball ringed the cup before falling in. Rosalie jumped around the hole in a victory dance.

"Unbelievable," I said.

Michelle came over and linked her arm through mine. Rosalie retrieved the orange ball from the hole and held it over her head like a trophy.

"You're a good guy, Del," Michelle said.

"I guess this proves it."

Rosalie got back into the golf cart, clutching the ball tightly with both hands. I put the flag back into the hole and picked up my putter. By the time we reached the pro shop, Rosalie had fallen asleep in Michelle's lap. We lifted Rosalie gently from the cart, and Michelle sat with her on a bench outside the pro shop while I went inside with the keys to the cart.

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