Chapter 12: It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere

Start from the beginning

'you can let him go, he isn't going anywhere..' Suri says.

'so this is why we couldn't find you, you were already on your way. This is better than any delivery service made in the old way.' Dion says while laughing.

'unlike the old way, the only thing coming on a platter is your head. I part of me wants to keep you alive, to show others we can get to you no matter what. The other part of me is saying to kill you, just because you tried it. I'm leaning toward the second one.' Suri says.

Dion sighs and puts his hands up. 'I guess you got me. I'm not begging for my life though. You'll have to torture me & even then.' Dion says.

'your life means nothing to anyone in this room but yourself. If you don't care to beg for it, you'll be without it soon. What do you say Norach?' Suri asks.

'I say let's leave it to a coin toss.' Norach says

'nah let's give the guy a chance. rock paper, scissors.' Suri replies

'I don't know boss. Does he really deserve that much? He tried to destroy our HQ. Which was practically a suicide mission bc everyone here knows that wasn't going to work.' Norach says while laughing

'SHUT UP!' Dion yells

He presses a button on his palm.

'wait until my commanders get in here. Some of the most brilliant fighters in New York are in this building right now.' Dion says through a painful smile.


Suri calmly walks over to the big tv and turns it on. She zooms in on six different camera feeds and each of them show one of his commanders, dead.

Dion starts laughing as his head starts steaming. As if the cuts didn't matter, he starts to raise up. He forces his wrist apart, tearing the Nighthawk into pieces. He stands all the way up and blows steam out his nose like a bull. Norach backs up and stands next to Suri. Before he started charging them they look at each other and start running. He's on their heels as his brute strength takes down walls and doorways. Suri and Norach get to the staircase and start jumping down flights at a time. Dion is fumbling down the slim stairwell & gives them enough room to shape shift. They nosedive down the middle of the stairwell and shape-shift into eagles midway able to catch the air below them just in time to land at the birth of the staircase. Their distance is short lived, right after the exit the staircase they feel an earth shaking crash. Dion breaks the wall down by the exit staircase.

'I think that's exactly what this lobby needed, an open floor plan.' Suri says.

Norach side eyes her and shakes his head.

'you're funny, the funnier ones taste the best.' Dion says while laughing.

'sorry to disappoint you but you won't be able to get much off these skinny ass bones.' Suri says

'if I season you the right way, it won't even matter.' Dion replies.

'please, anything but curry. It'll stain your teeth.' Suri says.

Dion growls and starts charging them. Suri looks at Norach and sighs. Norach pulls grenades out his cargo pocket Suri follows suit.

'well you might have to settle for bbq today big fella' Norach says.

As Dion charges them, they charge back. They pull the pins on the grenades and have to time this perfectly or their all dead. As they charge him the see the other Nighthawks assembling behind him. Suri and Norach don't even have to look at each other & they know what to do. Dion does exactly what they expect & lunges towards them. Suri jumps and turns back into the eagle form with a grenade in each talon. As Dion adjusts to Suri and jumps to bite her, his mouth rips open to an almost alien like form. Norach puts his grenades in his pockets while he's ascending. Dion looks down and looks back up & Suri drops her grenades into his overly stretched mouth. Norach is already halfway out the door as Suri comes swooping behind him. The building explodes and it almost looks like a demolition took place. When the dust settles, Nighthawk is gone. Suri and Norach go into the rubble and dig through the pile. They turn into gorillas & start tossing stones until they uncover Dion's body. He's still breathing and he uses the last of it to laugh.

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