"I think dangers can be anywhere even inside a high security school, so yes I will, if it's ok with you?"

"Sure...you can follow me but not when I go to the loo because that would be..." He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I shut up.



He smiled at me. His lips an inch from my mouth,

"I don't want Elanor anymore she can have Stefan...I want you" Damon  whispered,

"But your only in a story, you're not real" I whispered back staring into his mudpie brown eyes,

"I can be whatever you want me too be Scarlett" He leaned forward to kiss but pulled back, "Wake up" He shouted,


"Scarlett wake up your going to be late and I want to say bye to you before I leave"

I opened my eyes and stared at my clock. Oh god it was only 7 am,

"Scarlett!!!" My dad shouted. I got up and opened the door. My dad's face was red,

"At last" He muttered and kissed me on the cheek, "I'll be back in a week, stay safe, don't ruin the house, be good" I hugged him,

"I'm gonna miss you daddy" I muttered. He walked away leaving me feeling empty. I stepped back in my room. My room was big I suppose. I had a king size bed with black silk covers, my walls were white and frames of Chinese writing hung on them. I had a small shelve of books and a magazines. A mirror ball hung on the ceiling along with those tacky glow in the dark star stickers. My feet sank into the thick black rug that sat on polished dark floorboards as I walked into my wardrope. It was a beautiful day again the sun shot through my floor to ceiling windows and kissed my face. Why did dad have to go away so much? He had only got back a few days ago. I was picking out a simple pair of short, shorts and a strap top, when Katy Perry started singing on my phone. I picked up the blackberry,


"OMG Scarzzz!!!!" Someone screamed like a wildcat down the phone,


"It's Milly!" She shouted,

"Oh right hi"

"I'm really looking forward to tonight did you know that Eddy asked me out and I..." I drowned out her voice and made excuses to end the conversation. Oh god that girl was like a mouse on speed, she never shut up. She didn't care about me. None of the people at school did. They were only my friends so they could go to my parties. Then why even have a party Scarlett? Because if I didn't then no one would talk to me. I got showered, then dressed and applied foundation, eye liner and a smudge of lip gloss. I wanted the natural look. I left my black hair to drip dry so it style on it's own and walked down stairs into the dinning room. My breakfast was set out on the table; Greek yogurt, honey and almonds. Yum. Clay sat munching on some toast and staring out the window. He wore a plain white top today which suited him as well as the black one had. It's not fair why did he have to be so deliciously hot,

"Morning" I muttered. He looked at me with his sinking eyes. I wonder how many girls had stared into his eyes,

"Morning Miss Burnley" He said. I almost chocked on my yogurt.,

"Call me Scarlett" I told him. He nodded but didn't smile. In fact I hadn't seen him smile yet but I bet it lit up his whole face,

"Right....Scarlett best get you to college then"



My college was a special college for endangered students. It was huge and looked like it was bleached white, gates circles the building and everyone was searched before they entered the building. Bodyguards and security guards stood everywhere. Everyone who went here was either rich themselves or knew someone which. We were endangered because we were a prime target for kidnappers. I met Milly by the gates. As usually we were surrounded by a group of the prettiest popularist people in the school,

"Is that your new bodyguard?" Milly asked staring behind at Clay who payed us no attension but was glancing around studying the area. I nodded,

"Oh wow he is sexy"

"No he is not" I snapped. She shut up for a second and then started rambling about Eddy. It was going to be a long day.



All day Milly had spoke about Eddy. All day I had listen to her. I now knew his favourite; colour, drink, food, music and where he lived.  I knew more about Eddy than I do about Milly. We were walking to last lesson which was P.E (Physical Education) and she was telling me about the day he had cut his knee and had needed 12 stitches. I nodded and said yes in the right places because I'm a nice person like that. Clay hovered a few steps behind me. I glanced at him. Yeah he was still super hot if only he would smile once in awhile. We walked into the changing rooms and took a seat on the benches. Clay stayed outside of course,

"Ok class settle down" Our teacher Miss Jello ( I swear thats her name) stood infront of us wearing her usal tracksuit "Were swimming today so grab some swim-wear and a towel and meet me by the pool" She walked away. I stared at the rack which held brand new one piece swim-wear. My insides had gone cold. I had forgot that we would be doing swimming this term,

"You coming Scarz?" Milly asked,

"Um you go on, I just have to do something" She walked out unconcerned. The rest of the class made their way out leaving me in the room alone. There was no way I was going swimming. For one it would mess up my hair and my skin would go dry. It wasn't just that though... and no way was I about to start explaining to The Jello the real reason why I would never touch that pool. The changing rooms doors flew open and Clay dived in. OMFG he had a gun in his hand and the badass look on his face made him look so sexy. He stared at me sitting on the bench,

"You didn't come out...I thought something was wrong" He put the gun back in his belt. I stood up before he could asked why what was wrong,

"Come on I'm going home"

"But I thought you had another lesson" He frowned,

"No I'm leaving now"


(A.N-- Hey my wonderful sexy fans and readers how are you? I'm good incase you cared lol OHH I'm so happy at how many views this story is getting it makes me so happy :D<<<See that smile (super happy)

Next chappie is the pool party yay!!! can't wait to write that

ok love ya guys



p.s VnC please (vote and comment) and fan lol

BitterSweet - Book one of the Bitter Novels-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin