Narrator's POV *Time skip*

At the lunch break Kaoru decided to go to the cafeteria. You stayed a little bit longer in class to do your homework. After you finished you went outside.

"Hey what's up." Suddenly Satoshi came along. 'God please not him.' You thought and tried to ignore him. He was the one student who tripped you during PE.
"Don't ignore me (Y/N)". He said annoyed.
"What do you want." You asked as you stopped walking.
"I just wanted to talk to you. So don't be so mean."

Suddenly he pinned you against the wall.
"(Y/N) do you know that you are quite adorable? And I think we would perfectly fit together." He said.
You were stunned. You tried to push him away but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer.
"You won't escape." He smirked. 'What the hell is he doing? First he tripped me and now..'

"HEL-" you tried to scream but he covered you mouth with his hand. "Don't scream. I just want to get to know you a bit more."
He whispered. Tears started to run down your face. You tried to push him away again but nothing worked. His grip was hurting so much.

Suddenly someone grabbed Satoshi and threw him against the opposite wall.
"Who the fuck-" Satoshi tried to speak as the other person grabbed his neck.


It was Mr. Ishizawa. He was incredibly furious.
It didn't take long for Satoshi to realise who was choking him. "S..Sir.. I- didn't... She w..want-"

But Mr. Ishizawas grip just got tighter.

"I..I'm...s.s..sorry-" Satoshi could hardly breathe but he managed to apologise.

Mr. Ishizawa threw him to the ground. "I will see you in my office after school." He glanced down at him angrily.
"Y..yes sir." He stuttered and stood up slowly.
Satoshi went away and Mr. Ishizawa turned to you. You were still stunned and tried to process what happened.

"My dear are you alright? Did he do anything bad to you?" Mr. Ishizawa asked you while he went closer to you. You looked at him. "I-" But you were cut off.
"Oh no darling, you are shaking." He grabbed both of your arms. You didn't even noticed that your body was shaking. 'Did he just... call me darling?' You thought while you took one step backwards.

He didn't even realised and pulled you closer to hug you. "Don't be scared. I am here now. I'll make sure he won't do this again."

A shiver ran down your spine and made you shake even more. But Mr. Ishizawa just hugged you tighter. 'It will be fine my angel. I will get rid of him. You are mine and I will protect you no matter what.'

What you didn't know was that Mr. Ishizawa was about to lose his control. But he hardly managed to hold himself back.

After a little while he let go of you. "Did he hurt you?" He asked you worried.
"" You answered. 'What was that? I've never have seen anybody change his mood so drastic in just one split second...' You thought while you stared at Mr. Ishizawa.
You forced a smile on your face even if you were still terrified.
"I was j..just a bit shocked." You continued.

'Just shocked? You really think I believe you my love?'
He thought while he sighed. "At least he didn't hurt you." He mumbled

"Alright I still have to grade your tests. If anything happens please come immediately to my office." He said to you smiling.
"Okay b..bye." You responded.

He was about to go to his office. "Oh Mr. Ishizawa?" You stopped him and he turned to you. "Thank you." You said while you smiled at him and then you walked away.

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