eleven // the big phallus

Start from the beginning

"The Big Phallus," Kai said solemnly. "Very famous amongst the astronomers. You've got a good eye." He nodded at my ankle, concern faintly furrowing his brow when he saw the white-knuckled grip I had on it. "Are you okay?"

I pressed at the sore spot, where it had twisted. The pain was already abating, and while it was slightly tender under pressure, it was evidently nothing more than a small twist. I tested some of my weight on the injury, relief flooding me when I had no issues with hauling myself off the ground into a standing position. It made me feel at least 50% less embarrassed.

"I think I'm good," I said, wincing slightly when I shifted all of my weight onto the injured foot. Okay, maybe not. But then I remembered my plans of seduction, and smiled at him. "Totally fine."

Kai looked sceptical. "Come inside, we'll put some ice on it. And then you can tell me why you're really here."

He disappeared from the window, shutting it behind him, and leaving me engulfed in darkness. But he reappeared moments later through a side door, wearing a white cotton t-shirt and exercise shorts. Casual staying-in clothes. Maybe it was just a Sunday night, but I didn't really think of Kai as the kind of guy to stay in. I couldn't imagine him at home, just spending a night on the couch with his sister, Isabelle, or his mum. Or whatever it was that Kai did in his spare time.

I always thought of Kai at parties, or hanging out with his boys, or with one of the beautiful girls that he often had at his side. A domestic Kai Delaney? Completely different wheelhouse.

I was still standing in his garden, my weight shifted onto my uninjured foot. Kai, who was barefoot and likely heading for the same fate as me, stepped easily through the grass until he was at my side.

The darkness obscured my red cheeks, for which I was intensely grateful.

"Lean on me," Kai instructed, grabbing my arm and slinging it over his shoulder. He towered over me, and I had to stretch up to get my arm over his shoulder successfully. His brows were furrowed in concentration and I gave him my weight, immediately easing the pain in my ankle. I could feel the muscles of his shoulder against my hand, feel the warmth of his body pressed into my side. It felt better than I'd ever admit. "You okay?"

I nodded. "Physically, I'm fine. My ego? Slightly bruised."

"Well, my car slammed into yours, which is definitely more embarrassing," he replied, as he adjusted his grip on my waist—Kai Delaney's arm was around my waist—and ensured I was secured and off my sore foot.

I grinned up at him. "That's true. That was super embarrassing for you."

Kai just laughed. "I have no idea why I expected you to say anything else. No words of comfort from you, huh?"

I shrugged. "Probably unlikely." Kai grinned, and, with most of my weight pressed to him, practically carried me into the house. I was too nervous of falling again to use my uninjured foot to hop, so he was supporting most of my frame. I looked up at him as we made our way to the door. "Am I too heavy?"

"I call you Little Valerie for a reason," Kai said. He looked down to meet my gaze. "Seriously, I've lifted heavier sacks of flour."

"Why are you lifting heavy sacks of flour? Are you a baker? Oh my god, do you have a secret baked goods business? Please tell me you run stores at local bake sales."

Kai rolled his eyes and smiled faintly, but he didn't respond. I was pretty sure that meant a firm no, but it was way more fun to think of Kai as a bad boy by day, and cake decorator by night. The thought of Kai decorating a Little Mermaid themed cake for a little girl's birthday tickled me.

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