Scene Two

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Scene 2: Listen, please, it's the most beautiful thing

Summary: After Horton stands for his belief, the horde falls on him. They rope him with the vines, pulling him toward the cage. They poke him with sticks and pull his tail and trunk. Kangaroo orders that the speck be thrown into a vat of boiling oil. Horton resists their attacks, begging them to believe him, but no one listens. The Whos, learning what was happening, started shouting and making noise in an attempt to show they exist on the speck. Horton can hear them and begs with the animal closest to him, "They're here! Listen, please! It's the most beautiful thing!" The crowd quiets as the animal puts his ear to the speck, but he shakes his head. He hears nothing. Horton urges the Whos to be louder, claiming that the others' ears are "too small" to hear them. He tries once more to convince an animal to hear, but to no avail. They take the flower away from them and finally force him into the cage. As the clover is brought to the oil, Horton pleads with them, telling them they are making a mistake.

Interpretation: The part that stood out to me the most was what Horton said to the first animal: "Listen, please! It's the most beautiful thing!" He wanted them to hear what he heard, understand what he understood, and take pleasure in it just as he did. The Gospel message of Jesus dying for our sins and rising three days later... is the most beautiful thing in the world. Its impact on the world and the people in it is beautiful. God's voice... it is beautiful. There are people out there in the world who are putting themselves in harm's way because of this beautiful thing they discovered. People are dying today because they want to share what they have found. Just like Horton, there are people out there begging with their friends, their families, their neighbors, and even the very person bringing about their torture or death to listen. "He is here. Listen, please. It is the most beautiful thing." Though sometimes they listen, lots of time they don't. They do not hear, not because their ears are too small, but because their hearts are hardened and their minds are clouded. They are deaf and they are blind.

Implication: If you are a Christian, your life was completely transformed by Jesus and His sacrifice. You have heard something beautiful, but what will you do now? Will you stay silent about the beauty you've found, or will you share it? Do you want others to hear what you've heard, understand what you now understand, and take pleasure in what you found as you do? It's hard. People will mock you and turn away from you. People won't listen. Jesus said that even though he created this world, they did not and will not recognize HIm. This should not stop you from sharing though. You have found a beautiful thing and you shouldn't hide it.

"He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."
(John 1:10‭-‬12)

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