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"Y/n, I need you to tell me the truth" Loki spoke, reassuringly as he moved his hands up and down your forearms. Opening your eyes, you realised that Loki had teleported you both into his room. You swallowed, trying to will yourself to speak. This was it, this was your moment, this was the time for you to tell Loki everything, to break free from the restraints that was you and Kyles tainted love. You opened your mouth to speak but closed it again when your eyes met Loki's. How could you possibly tell him? Telling Loki could end this facade but did you want it to end? Kyle was all you had, he had reminded you so many times.

"Loki, this isn't what you think it is" you breathed, looking away from him.

"Has he hurt you?" Loki asked, brows knitted in concern as he placed his hand on your cheek, turning you to face him again. That was it, the stark contrast between Loki and Kyles touch, right now it was a burning difference. "If he's laid a hand on my gorgeous girl—" Loki started, in a more angered tone before you spoke.

"Loki this-this is love—Kyle loves me" you whimpered.

Loki's gaze softened once again as he placed both his hands on your cheeks, looking into your eyes with something you could only describe as fondness and regret.

"This isn't love" Loki whispered, shaking his head.

"This is all I have" you sobbed helplessly.

"No" Loki insisted before leaning closer and kissing your forehead causing you to close your eyes "you have so, so much more than that y/n" he spoke softly before kissing each eyelid making you instantly relax before he pecked your nose "I-ILo—I'm sorry" he murmured and you felt his lips almost touching yours as he spoke "I'm so sorry he's hurt you my precious, precious y/n" he said in a sotto voice before his lips finally brushed against yours as you both closed your eyes.

"I-just-I-wanted to tell you-I" you spoke frantically as you pulled away, opening your eyes and ignoring the fact that Loki just kissed you.

"Shhh" Loki soothed, eyes still closed as if he was savouring the moment "you're safe now."

Three words left you feeling more comforted than Kyle had ever made you feel your whole relationship. Three words signified the ending of something dark, twisted and the flourishing of something real, something free of impurities. Three words that were almost as famous as I love you reverberated around the four walls which were the safe haven that was Loki's room. Your stifled cries turned into shoulder shaking wails as you rested your head against Loki's chest, completely surrendering to his hold. You were untethered. The fear of not being believed was diminished in Loki's presence.

"I didn't think you'd believe me" you weeped as Loki rubbed small circles over your back. You were about to speak again until you heard Kyles voice. A chill ran through you, ending this dream until you realised that he was, begging? Pulling from Loki's grip, you ran towards his door before flinging it open and gasping at the sight.

"P-please. Please!" Kyle beseeched, being held by the throat over the column the elevator should have been in by—

"LOKI!" You shouted, running towards them both as the Loki you were with disappeared. Loki turned towards you, not relaxing his grip on Kyles throat as his angered expression met yours. His teeth were bared and he had a fire you had never seen before flaming from his eyes. You heard Kyle pleadingly calling your name but all noise faded out between you and Loki's locked gazes. "Loki no" you said, shaking your head "don't do this" you said, shaking your head trying to rip Loki from his darkness as the sound of the other Avengers waking up and seeing the commotion was heard.

"Put Kyle down"


"Ahh, here we go"

"What going-ON"

"The elevator?"

"Loki, drop the man"

The shouts of protests from everyone were almost silent for Loki as he looked at your concerned expression. How could you possibly have been concerned for this wretched man who had hurt you? Loki wanted Kyle dead and he wanted to be the one to kill him but he couldn't, not when you were asking him not to. Anything for you. He stood Kyle straight up before turning fully towards you as he watched you release a breath of relief until your expression changed.

"Loki!" You yelled pulling onto his shirt as you kicked Kyle backwards who was going to push Loki down the pit. Loki tumbled into you and you looked past his shoulder as everyone gasped before Kyle fell backwards. "Ohmygod" you panted as everyone ran towards the edge where Kyle had fallen. His scream could be heard before a crashing sound and you felt your vision go blurry as a nauseating feeling overtook you.

A/N: omgg sorry for the lack of updates, I'm currently on holiday xx

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