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When you both reached the training room, it was eerily quiet. Stepping inside, you saw that no one was in there which was surprising considering that it'd usually be packed full of avengers by now. You assumed that they all probably continued the games night when you left including Bucky and Sams lethal drinks. For superhumans, they were all incredibly lightweight when it came to alcohol.

"I guess it's just us for now" you said, patting Loki's shoulder.

"I guess you'll have to spar with me" he joked.

"Are you testing me Loki?" You teased, turning to face him.

"Testing you? I'm simply giving you an alternative option considering that Romanoff is still asleep however, perhaps it's not wise for you to spar with the likes of me" he smirked.

"Likes of you?" You tittered, turning around.

"I have been told I can be quite savage" Loki whispered in your ear as he stood behind you causing your breath to hitch.

"You're definitely challenging me" you murmured, trying to keep your breathing even with Loki's close proximity.

"Why don't you warm up?" Loki suggested, stepping away from you and towards the weights.

"JARVIS, workout playlist please" you called up to the ceiling whilst you smiled at Loki. You made your way in front of the mirror as the music began to play. You started off with light stretches before grabbing some dumbbells to squat with. You caught Loki's eye in the mirror a couple of times as he went straight to lifting weights.

"You're posture is all wrong" Loki commented.

"Help?" You replied innocently, looking at him in the mirror and smiling when he dropped the weights he was holding and made his way towards you.

"You've not even stretched properly" he scoffed, taking the dumbbells from your hands and placing them on the floor. "If you are to spar with me, you need to be properly warmed up which includes stretching."

"You didn't stretch" you quipped.

"Darling, I am a god" he replied simply causing you to playfully roll your eyes. "On the floor" he instructed.

"Sir yes sir" you jested with a mock salute causing Loki to snicker. You sat on the floor before Loki told you to lay backwards. He then fell to his knees before lifting your leg to settle himself between them. You tried to not squeal as his hand found your ankle where you were suddenly very ticklish.

"What's the matter?" He asked amused, squeezing your calf "ticklish?" You nodded and Loki had to stifle his laugh "noted" he smiled.

"Don't tickle me Loki" you warned.

"I'll try not to. Now, we're going to a hamstring stretch" he said, raising your leg and resting your ankle on his shoulder. He then began pushing it forwards, towards your head "feel that?"

"Yeah" you said, feeling the stretch at the back of your thigh.

"Right, hold this position for a couple more seconds aaaand great. Let's repeat it" he said before doing the same movement. You raised your hip to stop the strain before you felt his other hand gently pushing you back down. "Let's switch legs." With your other leg, you repeated the movements. whenever your eyes caught each others gazes, you felt yourself unable to breathe. Something about the positions you were in, regardless of how chaste they were left you feeling flustered.

"Good girl" he praised and your eyes widened as he slowly dropped your leg "now, on your front."

"I beg your pardon" you gasped.

"Quad stretches" he said with a coy smile leaving you feeling slightly abashed before you rolled over, mindful of Loki. Once you were on your stomach, Loki gripped your ankle again before lifting your leg, bending it at the knee and holding in that position for around 5 seconds before repeating it, later switching legs. "Do you feel any more stretched, flexible?" Loki questioned when he was done, lowering your leg.

"Yeah" you choked out, unable to meet Loki's eyes when you rolled back onto your back, looking up at Loki who's eyes quickly ran over you before he looked towards the floor next to your head. "Now, help me up so I can take advantage of the fact that you haven't stretched whilst we spar" you said, breaking the silence and holding your hand out to Loki. Underestimating his strength, once he was stood, he pulled you up, pulling you flush against him. Your head was against his chest and so was your hand. You could feel his muscles underneath you. Pulling yourself away from him was a challenge in itself. You begged yourself to pull it together. This was Loki. Loki for goodness sake. Your friend. You pulled away, looking up at him as he looked down at you with a slight grin.

"My apologies" he bid trying to ignore the ache in his heart. In this moment, there was nothing more he wanted to than to kiss you, slowly, sensually, pouring all of his feelings of adoration towards you into the kiss but he knew he couldn't. You were with that worthless Kyle and besides, you didn't like him, Loki knew that. His feelings for you weren't reciprocated.

Soon after, you and Loki had began sparring which consisted of Loki catching each of your attempts of hitting him. He didn't even fight back, all he did was simper whenever you demonstrated that frustrated expression at all of your failed attempts of hitting him. He loved all your expressions but especially that one. Your nose would scrunch and you'd huff but you'd always try again. He admired your perseverance. He admired you.

A/N: I had to write this straight after 🤣 I was grinning whilst writing it

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