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The next morning, the sound of your alarm woke you up. Leaning over Kyle, you quickly turned it off, relieved it didn't wake him up. Turning over and out of his arms, you reached for your phone. Seeing Loki's message, a smile made its way onto your face. You loved how he cared about you, always making sure you were alright. You glanced back at Kyle who was still sleeping before replying back.

Y/N: Morning sunshine. I didn't see this message so I'll definitely be hogging the coffee machine once I'm at the compound. See you in a bit!

As guilty as it made you feel, you often imagined how life with Loki would have been like. When Thor first said his brother was going to be staying at the compound, you, like the rest of the team were apprehensive but when your eyes first met, you couldn't deny how striking he was. Emerald eyes focused on yours as he offered a small smile. When you noticed how unwelcoming the team were being, you made it your mission to try and make him feel at ease. The longer you got to know him, the more you realised that he was more than just a ridiculously handsome face, he was intelligent, funny and had a hint of mischief that added to his whole persona. No one ever made you feel as relaxed and carefree as Loki did. After a while, platonic feelings grew and you found yourself falling in love with him. You knew your feelings weren't reciprocated after you tried countless times to hang out with him outside of work but he always turned your offers down. You tried to downplay your feelings but you always felt a sense of longing in his presence.

One day, you were going out for coffee after a long team meeting with Steve. You'd usually just drink the coffee in the compound but that day the weather was exceptionally pretty. There was snow coating everything white and adding a chill to the air whilst the sun shone, almost blindingly. You couldn't resist.

Once you had ordered, you went to stand at the collection point and that's when you met Kyle. He was helplessly dabbing his shirt at the wet patch that was his coffee. You turned towards him and smiled at his frustrated yet hopeless expression. You picked up some napkins and handed them to him. He accepted them with a "thanks", glancing up at you for a second before he double took and really drank you in. His expression changed into a friendly one and he thanked you properly. He brought you a muffin to accompany your coffee and you both spoke for a while as you sat down and ate it. At the end, he asked for your number and whether he'd be able to take you on a date. Still stupidly in love with Loki, who definitely didn't like you back like that, you thought it'd be good to try and overcome your crush. You gave him your number before rushing back to the compound excited to tell Natasha about your date.

It went well and you and Kyle began going on more dates. Painfully slow, your feelings for Loki began to fade until he started buying you small gifts and asking whether you'd like to go out with him, somewhere that wasn't work! You were both always on missions together too and something about watching Loki protect you against some of the most ruthless men on earth, with ease, stirred something in you. You'd have probably left Kyle and ran away into the sunset with Loki if he had asked but alas, you knew he didn't feel that way besides, things with Kyle were getting more serious.

He had introduced you to his family, who were all really nice. It felt good to be wanted. Once you had introduced Kyle to your family, you tried your hardest to distance yourself from Loki emotionally. You were in a relationship and he was well, in situationships. You both spoke less and less. You were still mission partners but you kept the discussions work related. That's why after you and Kyle had your first huge argument, you didn't tell Loki. When Kyle first pushed you out of the way during an argument, bruising you, you didn't tell Loki. When Kyle shouted at you, began getting more physical with you and made you feel completely worthless, you didn't tell Loki. You told no one. Whether it was out of fear of not being believed or of Kyle finding out or of simply being discarded, left alone, you vowed to not say anything. Instead, you focused on the positives of your relationship. You both worked a well paying job, your families loved one another, you both lived in a lovely apartment together and even after everything, you loved eachother.

The day you had the mission in Malibu, you and Kyle had a huge fight. Bruises were easily hidden under the excuse of being an Avenger but it didn't lessen the pain. After the mission, you were all at a bar and you focused on trying to rid yourself of the memories of your morning with Kyle. You downed every drink you could before standing on stage and indulging in some drunken karaoke. Scanning the crowd, your eyes settled on Loki who was coming towards you. How you wished you could stand behind him as he protected you from Kyle like during the missions. How you wished Loki loved you. He picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder and once you reached your room, you broke. The guilt of still loving Loki whilst you were with Kyle was sickening. You barely remembered what you had said but you remembered how unwanted you felt.

The next day, when you arrived home from the mission, Kyle picked you up with a wide smile and some flowers. He kissed you like it was the first time and you melted in his embrace. He wanted you. This was one of the odd occasions where he felt like home. Those few occasions were the reason you were still with him. Few and far between but appreciated nonetheless.

Waiting for Loki to reply, your mind drifted to the image of you both together instead. You imagined if it was him in the bed next to you. How it would feel to be loved by him. Unlike Kyle, Loki didn't hide his darkness, he paraded it around like within it was the secret to life. You knew Loki. Kyle was false. The thought of Loki laying unclad in your bed left you giggling like a schoolgirl.

Loki: Good morning y/n. I'll get coffee started you lightweight.

Loki replied almost instantly leaving you a smiling mess at his jest. You were about to reply until you felt Kyle kiss your shoulder. You quickly put your phone down before turning towards him.

"Good morning" he smiled.

"Morning" you replied, trying to bite your lip to stifle your smile.

"What's got you smiling?" Kyle asked, grinning at you.

"Nothing" you lied, about to stand up.

"No, go on, why are you smiling?" He said, grabbing your hand.

"Its nothing Kyle." You answered, struggling in his grip.

"You're lying. You were just on your phone laughing. Why won't you tell me?" He questioned, tightening his grip on your wrist before he moved over the bed to pick up your phone.

"Stop it Kyle!" You shouted, quickly grabbing your phone not wanting him to see the message from Loki.

"SO IT WAS YOUR PHONE! WHO IS IT? SECRET LOVER?" He exclaimed, standing up and looking down at you as you focused on the floor. "Give it to me" he ordered. When you didn't, he snatched it roughly out of your hands and threw it onto the ground, smashing the screen. "The sight of you disgusts me. We'll talk about this later, I have to get ready for work." And with that, he made his way to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him as you hugged your knees to your chest.

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