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When you left the compound, the team resumed their games but Loki couldn't help the unsettled feeling he had. He looked at the discarded flowers carelessly abandoned on the table that Kyle had just gotten you and he knew something wasn't right remembering how you treated the flowers he had gotten you only three weeks ago when you had a cold and still came into work. You almost ran to the kitchen to grab a vase before filling it halfway with water. Trimming the stalks, you placed them one by one in the vase with a huge smile. The excitement in your eyes was contagious and Loki couldn't help the grin he wore too. You loved flowers so seeing that you had just left these ones with no water, no home, he knew something was off.

Loki didn't particularly like Kyle. He didn't mind that you were in a relationship, as much as it hurt him, but he didn't like Kyle in particular. Before you met Kyle, you and Loki were almost inseparable. When he first moved into the compound, you and Thor ensured that he settled well. He assumed that you only helped because you were Thor's friend however when Thor had to leave for Asgard, you continued speaking to him, helping him and befriending him. Between your infectious laugh, your elegance, your wit, the way you crossed your sevens, your competitiveness and your voice, Norns your voice, Loki couldn't help but fall in love with you. He tried to resist it but he was sure you were an enchantress who's clutches he couldn't escape. When Loki fell for you, he fell hard. Gone was the spiteful prince who tried to take over Midgard. This Loki was new, improved, better, in love.

He tried to downplay his emotions, not admit to himself that he was in love and so he didn't show it. His biggest regret. He'd tease you about being single, he'd try and keep your relationsh—friendship strictly professional. Whenever you asked to hang out somewhere that wasn't the compound, he'd often decline until you stopped asking. He'd try and entertain himself with other women but none of the relationships ever lasted longer than a month. They'd be too loud or too quiet or too boisterous or too reserved or too not you. None of them were you. One day Loki promised himself he'd tell you how he felt. He had to. It was becoming impossible to not be with you at all times. He wanted to meet you outside the compound, perhaps go for a date and so he decided to write his feelings in a letter. As he went to your room at the compound to give it to you, he heard you telling Natasha how excited you were for your date with Kyle, someone you had met at a coffee shop. The elation in your voice was heartbreaking but still managed to put a small smile on his face. He was happy you were happy. Instead of giving you the letter, he ignited it, letting his feelings wander in the atmosphere in the form of ashes. His greatest rue.

When you got back and discussed the date with the most nosy members of the team, Loki felt himself enthralled with your bright smile and then eventually heartbroken remembering that it wasn't for him. He thought that you dating someone else would lessen his feelings for you but unexpectedly they grew. He began getting you small gifts, ensuring that you were always partners on missions and asking if you'd like to go places together that weren't the compound but you'd always say something came up. Oh how he wished he had just told you how he felt.

Once you and Kyle made things official, Loki began to really see how you had changed. You weren't as competitive during game nights, you didn't laugh as much, and you didn't speak much unless you needed to. You weren't his y/n anymore. He made it his mission to make you laugh everyday which he managed to do. You were both still partners on the field so you still spent time together which was why he was the one in charge of taking you back to your room that night in Malibu. You were drunkenly singing karaoke and everyone thought you were happy but Loki knew you well enough to know that you weren't. He was proven right when he took you back to your room and you sobbed in his arms going on about how much you loved Kyle but there was a sadness to your voice. He helped you to bed, daring a chaste kiss on the forehead before leaving.

The next morning, you didn't mention last night and so he didn't. As much as he wished you'd break up, he wanted you to be happy and happy you were when you all returned to the compound and Kyle later picked you up. He hugged you before kissing you and you fell into his embrace. Loki watched you both knowing that that would never be him. That's what confused him. Sometimes you'd love to see Kyle and others you'd stiffen at the mere mention of him. He asked Natasha if you had ever spoken to her about Kyle but soon regretted it when she went into detail about how wonderful Kyle was. Despite how everyone, including yourself, sang Kyles praises, Loki knew something wasn't right. He was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Excusing himself from the games night, Loki picked up the relinquished flowers. He was about to throw them away until he decided to just leave them in a vase for everyone to enjoy. Getting his phone out, he texted you.

Loki: Don't forget to drink water before bed, it'll prevent you getting a headache in the morning. See you tomorrow.

Night y/n

Loki waited for you to reply but assumed you were probably already asleep and so he left it.

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