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As I was getting ready for my first important day since forever, I looked at the clock for the thousand time, counting every second for the possibility of being late on my first working day.

I was up by 6 am, needing to be there at 9, but since I knew myself the best I knew that I might be late so I woke up early.

I was still looking in the mirror, looking for a hairstyle that would suit my outfit.

I finally decided to put it in a messy ponytail, grabbing some of my front baby hair to drop it on my face, to not look like I was bold.

I yanked a jacket and a palton from my dresser and added them on me, having to put multiple layers on myself because of the cold weather.

I grabbed my phone and my materials that were required and headed to the exit door, putting on my high boots that matched the rest of my outfit.

Exiting the house and locking it, I then turned to see the car that was from the company, with an escort and the driver waiting for me to enter.

"Dear Ms. Sato,

We are thankful to hear that you can work for us starting tomorrow. The time for your first day will be 9 am. No need to rush.

We will be bringing a car with an escort for you to get to our building.'' I started to read the long letter from the Bonten company , to which I was successfully accepted to work for.

''Miss Sato, I'm Takeomi, your escort for today.'' the male, clearly older than me with a tall and slender frame and a slicked-back mullet in the colors of black and blond, with a prominent scar that runs vertically down the right side of his face, starting from his forehead down to the rightmost corner of his thin lips and, introduced himself.

"Thank you.'' I say, referring to the gesture of opening the car door for me, then hopping himself in as well.

The car ride didn't take as much as I thought it would, getting out of it in less than 10 minutes, the male still stood besides me, giving me directions and explanations, like I was a tourist in a new territory, which i completely was.

The exterior design of the construction was completely different from the interior one, finding that out once I was inside.

The outside of the building was full of glass all you could see. Big doors at the entry and a sign up that said Bonten Agency, the name of the company and band I'll work for.

Once inside, I wided my eyes at the empty walls with different paters going different directions, not expecting this since outside was all glass like I said.

Going further, I noticed that you could see part of the next floor as there was a balcony all around.

''Finishing off, here is the lobby of the building, you can ask further questions to the main desk. A guy with blonde hair will come in a second to escort you further to the crew.'' the male said before leaving me alone in the hall.

''Hi there, you must be Akina. I'm Yasuda. If there are any questions you can ask me till Inui is here.'' a girl with grey eyes and black hair styled in braids and a choppy fringe, with braids secured with clips in a rabbit design said, trying to make conversation.

As she mentioned an unknown name I assumed it was the guy that was coming his way to get me.

''Hi there. No questions right now, thank you.'' I replied, not really having any concerns at the moment.

''Alright then.'' she closed the unexpected and awkward conversation and went back to work.

As I wanted another 5 minutes at least, I play with my necklace to erase the nervousness and anxiety in me.

Bonten || Ran HaitaniWhere stories live. Discover now