"Just after 5AM". You immediately sat up and Connor chuckled. "Like...the next day?"

"Yeah, you needed the sleep" Connor said. You raised your eyebrows. "Jesus, I've never slept for that long in my life. Am I fucking dying?"

"No honey, I've been scanning you. You just needed to sleep. How do you feel?" He asked, pulling you back onto his chest. You snuggled up to him. "Thanks Con. I feel a lot better. Wait where are the dogs?"

"That's good. They're at Hank's, don't worry. We can go get them this morning!"

"Phew, okay".

"Also the girls said you could all go dress shopping today if you want, their work thing got cancelled" Connor added. "Oo cool! Yeah I'm totally up for that now".

Connor's phone chimed and he chuckled.

"Hank's awake already". You snorted. "Do all middle-aged men wake up at like 5am every day?"

Connor laughed. "Seems like it. Do you feel like a walk with the dogs? We can go see the sunrise!"

"Yeah! Let's go".

"Okay! I'll tell Hank we'll be over".

You both got out of bed and decided to have a quick shower, then got into some comfy clothes. Once you were finished getting ready, you both headed downstairs and got your shoes and jackets on. You headed out the door and both got into the car. Connor drove over to Hank's house and parked outside. You rang the doorbell and heard Wanda bark.

'Wanda! Get back silly' you heard Hank say from inside. You and Connor grinned and he opened the door.

"Wanda says good morning" he chuckled, walking back into the house. You both chuckled and Wanda started jumping over you and Connor.

"Heyyy sweet girl" Connor beamed. He loved Wanda more than you and Hank could have anticipated and it was your favourite thing ever. You both crouched down to pet her and she licked you both.

"Come on, let's go inside" Connor said. You headed in and closed the door.

"Boys!" You called out. Hulk and Bruce came bounding into the room and over to you. You and Connor giggled. "Hey babies" you smiled. You knelt down and petted them both. Sumo came wandering over and straight-up sat on you. You cackled and gave him a cuddle. "Hey boy!"

"Sumo, what the fuck are you doing?!" Hank laughed. You and Connor giggled. "What's wrong huh? Ya dad not good enough for ya?" Hank joked. Hulk hurried over to Hank and headbutted his legs. You all looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"(y/n), I'm telling you, this dog is a fucking human" Hank chuckled. "Maybe he's an FBI dog. He's watching you" you teased. Hank scrunched his face up and covered Hulk's eyes. Hulk made a confused noise and pawed at Hank's hand. You all laughed.

"Anyway, thanks for keeping them last night. I think I died and came back to life" you said. "That's okay kid, I always got 'em if you need me to. You alright now?"

"Yep, I'm all good. We're gonna take this lot for a walk and watch the sun come up. You coming?"

"Yeah, definitely. Let me go get a jacket".

You all went out to the car. Hank got in the front with Connor and kept Wanda by his feet. You got in the back with Hulk, Bruce and Sumo. Connor drove over to your favourite walking spot and parked up. There were no cars around yet, and the sun was only just starting to come up. You all hopped out of the car and put the leads on the dogs. Connor took Wanda, Hank took Sumo and you took Hulk and Brucie. You all started walking towards a spot where you could watch the sun come up.

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