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It has been a couple of days since JJ and kie's argument and none of the pogues have seen JJ. While Frankie has been having to deal with JJ every night as he comes to franks second job at this bar on the kooks side of town.

It was around eleven and frank just started her shift. Everything was going well until "hey frankie sweetie ya misssss me" drunk JJ said as he walked in. How he could still afford anything still is a mystery. He sat down at the bar right in front of her.

"JJ like i said multiple times im not serving you . The owner doesn't want you here anymore"

"and how many times have i told you i just came for the view" he said as he looked her up and down. "that's disgusting maybank. Now here i thought you had more class" Rafe said as he entered the bar.

JJ got quite and gave rafe a death stare as he sat down next to him.  "if you two start anything i'll have you asses thrown out" frankie said walking away to a customer.

"so Rafe. How's the cross you stole"
"well is it really stealing when you found it first"
"YOU DID NO- we found it first"
"yeah then ya left it. What's that saying finders keepers"
"what ever why are you sitting next to some pogue shit like me"
"well since you know where she is" Rafe and JJ's face went blank.

"yeah well what's in for me"
"how bout living" JJ laughed
"haha funny i want something before i spill"
"fine." Rafe says as he drops a couple hundreds on the bar. JJ swiftly took the money then wrote on paper and handed it to Rafe.

"pleasure doing business with ya" he said as he got up and walked out. Rafe was smirking to himself while reading the paper. The paper said 369 vagina drive. Rafe quickly got up and ran out the bar to find JJ nowhere to be found.

He went back inside and sat down and saw frank laughing while drying a glass.

"i can't believe you fell for that. No wonder you're not in college" she said as she giggled.

"oh yeah it's so funny i just wanna find my sister"
"well she probably left for a reason why do you even want to find her"
Rafe was quite in all honesty he didn't want to find her, but that's what dad would've wanted. Rafe couldn't have cared less if she ran away and married Jb in arizona, but the thought of disappointing his dad.

"Hello Rafe? Look do you want a drink or no"
"um peach liquor please" frankie looked at him weirdly as she grabbed that bottle down and poured him a shot. "weird choice but here you go".  Rafe kept asking for more shots until frankie gave him the whole bottle.

Frankie and Rafe have always hated eachother even past the Kook/pogue thing. She has always been jealous of his money and how he never had to work for anything. And he hated her because she was the only girl who didn't want to sleep with him.

Rafe had finished the whole bottle and sat there in silence as he thought about his sister and his family. How fucked yo it all is and he decided to give up on his sister. Why search for someone who doesn't want to be found.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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