"Dangerous?" You raised a brow, crossing your arms over your chest. "Sun? He wouldn't hurt a fly."

"I see." Freddy looked down for a moment, then back over at you. "Then you haven't met Moon." 

"Moon?" Was this the other jester character you had seen the statue of? Come to think of it, you'd been so apprehended with Sun, that you didn't think to ask him about the other attendant.

"Stay away from the Daycare (Y/N), I have to get back up to my room, but promise me you won't do anything reckless."

Confused, you stared up at the bear, a flood of mixed emotions starting to fill your brain. Before you could process anything, you just nodded, earning a smile from Freddy.

"I'll see you after the show (Y/N)!" He said as he made his way back to his service elevator.

You were left to your own devices for the rest of the day until showtime. You tried to keep yourself busy, finding menial things to work on. You adjusted a few upgrades for the bots, and made sure the computer system was in compliance. Anything to keep your mind from drifting to Sun, and what exactly Freddy meant by Moon being dangerous. You'd have to see for yourself, if Moon was anything like Sun, you knew he was an advanced animatronic at least, and that you could appreciate.

That evening, the familiar Fazbear theme once again filled the halls, the show almost over. You readied yourself and prepared the protective chamber for the glamrock crew. You'd be happy to see them of course, you were always happy to see them, but tonight you were anxious to get their repairs finished, so you could head over to the Daycare to see Sun. A few moments later, the stage lowered down, and Freddy and his friends entered Parts and Service.

"(Y\N)!" Chica ran over to give you a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay!" She squeezed you, pressing you into her hard metal exterior.

"Of course I'm okay-" You pulled away from her. "Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"Freddy said you were hanging around the Daycare Attendant." Roxanne cut in, walking over with a swish in her step. "I guess now he at least has ONE friend."

Monty laughed, and you looked over at Freddy, giving him a stern glare. The bear's ears went down.

"For your information guys, Sun is actually really nice." You walked over to the computer and booted up the system for Chica. "He didn't hurt me, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stay out of my business."

"We are only trying to help (Y\N)." Freddy responded, waiting his turn for repairs.

"Don't worry about me okay?" You adjusted the system for each one of them, and you didn't bother to say anything else once they were finished.

Luckily, taking the hint, the band and Freddy returned to their rooms without another word.

"Finally." You said to yourself, making quick work of putting everything away and hastily removing your coveralls.

You wore something a bit nicer today, a cute blouse that showed a bit more of your neckline, and matching pants. This certainly wasn't something to play in, because no doubt that's what Sun would want to do, but you couldn't help yourself. You wanted to look nice for him. Thinking about it, you hesitated. Why were you going through so much trouble for a robot? The bot has been on your mind all day, and the memories of your play-date together. How could a robot take up so much occupancy in the space of your mind? It's not like he's sentient, he has no emotions or morals. He's not real. IT is realistically just a build of metal with a friendly face. You're getting ahead of yourself, getting attached to one of the bots here is not a good idea. The models here get scrapped and remade all the time, no one part of them is original, except for maybe their core memory. Sun could malfunction beyond repair and be thrown out, scrapped for parts, disassembled, or worse. You'd never see him again, at least, never see the one you've come to know.

System Maintenance - FNAF Security Breach, Sun & Moon x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن