All that glitters

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Naples. 2319

Passione. The biggest hero agency in all of Italy. Once rife with corruption and evil, this agency was now under the care of the Giovanna family. Giorno Giovanna, Italian number one hero, Trish Giovanna, number five, Pannacotta Fugo, number eleven, and Guido Mista, number four(much to his dismay). And of course, there was the advisor, Jean Pierre Polnareff, and Giorno and Trish's nine-year-old son, Giuseppe. Or as his family affectionately called him, Jo Jo. The young boy had bright blue eyes, golden blonde hair that was spiked up but slicked back, similar to Giorno, but without the circular parts or the ponytail.

At the age of four, Giuseppe manifested his stand, Thunderstruck. It was colored bright yellow, similar to Giorno's Gold Experience Requiem. It had bright blue sunglasses, similar to the original Gold Experience, large lightning bolts on the sides of its head, attached to a dark yellow helmet with a design reminiscent of the late Bruno Bucciarati's Sticky Fingers, and a slim yet muscular body. Its hands sported brown gloves, on its torso, the design of two white lightning bolts traveling downward and pointed toward the inside of its body on a darker yellow tank-top. It had black pants and tall brown boots, completing the look of the stand.

Thunderstruck had the ability to absorb and discharge electricity in targeted attacks, or in a large radius. It wasn't exceptionally physically powerful, but Thunderstruck was fast. Really fast. Much faster than Trish's spice girl or Pannacotta's Purple Haze, even outpacing Mista's Sex Pistols. Giuseppe was very proud of his stand, and he loved his incredible ability, and his familia taught him very well in how to use it.

From a young age, Giuseppe had a strong sense of justice, and whenever anyone needed help, he would offer it. Giuseppe was homeschooled by Pannacotta, since over the years, Pannacotta had gained much better control over his emotions, and by proxy, his stand. He was trained in speed by Mista and his sentient stand Sex Pistols. He was trained by his mother and her stand Spice Girl in strength. And his father used Gold Experience Requiem to help Giuseppe train his wit. He put Giuseppe in difficult situations to see what he would come up with. All of this was in the effort to help Giuseppe reach his goal of becoming a hero. He knew he had big shoes to fill, and he planned to fill them.

Keeping things real brief in this chapter. Giuseppe is the rewrite revision of Jean Pierre from the original Thunderstruck. There will clearly be some changes. For one thing, Giuseppe will not get nearly as OP as Jean did. That was fun, but it just doesn't work for this version of the story. Besides, Giuseppe will have to share the spotlight a lot more than Jean ever had to. I'm not very good at writing romance, so I'll probably try to avoid it in this version as well. It's just not what I do. Maybe I'll change my mind down the line though, who knows. Anyway, that's all for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading!

Thunderstruck Mk 2Where stories live. Discover now