Fighting Together

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Caritas walked through the streets of New York. She had loved at the orphanage, but there was something about walking in the city that always put a smile on her face. Then again, there wasn't much that didn't.

As soon as she got the news of Alex's engagement, Caritas had dropped what she was doing and headed for the States. There was no way in Tartarus that she was going to miss it. That day, she made her way to H.E.R.A. with a spring in her step.

The moment she stepped foot in the building, Caritas released her Aura. The white swan took form. "Kyknos, I am sorry you were cooped up so long, but you know the humans cannot catch a glimpse of you." It called in agreement. She made her way over to the security desk. "Good morning!" She greeted as she pulled out her fake passport and ID card. "How are you today?"

The agent smiled at her; they were happy to have a nice person come by. "I'm doing good; and you, ma'am?"

"Very well, thank you." Caritas handed the fake passport over and her identity card. "I am here to travel to Olympus after I make a stop in the Artifacts Recovery department. Is that alright?"

"Of course, ma'am." The agent passed back the fake passport and card before grabbing a visitors pass. "Here; this'll get you anywhere in the building."

Caritas took it and pinned it to her dress. "Thank you very much. I hope you have a wonderful day." She gave a small wave before her and Kyknos made their way to the elevator. The elevator ride was short, and she stepped out into the hall before going into the busy office. First, she spied Tessa. "Agent Alexander!" Caritas called, walking over with her arms open. Tessa turned around in her chair just before Caritas pulled her into a tight hug. "It has been too long."

"Caritas." Tessa hugged back. "It's nice to see you."

Caritas let her go and pulled up her left hand to stare at the ring. "Oh, it is positively beautiful! Are you excited for the wedding?"

Tessa pulled her hand back and smiled. "Very; I can't wait for it."

"Caritas?" Alex called from their office before walking over to their elder sister. "I thought I heard you."

"Eláfi!" Caritas pulled Alex a tight hug before kissing them on both cheeks. "Oh, how I have missed you. Are you well?"

"Very; especially with the wedding coming up." Alex's face fell. "Is mother alright? Why are you here?"

"For your wedding, of course." She told them. "I would not miss it for all the world."

"It's nice to have you here." Tessa said.

Alex smiled at Tessa before turning to Caritas. "How long do you plan on staying after the wedding?"

"For the foreseeable future." The Goddess answered. "I have no new plans ."

"Well, it was wonderful to see you. Perhaps you should go see mother before she hears of your arrival."

"Good idea. I would hate to make her sad or angry."

Caritas hugged them both and left for Olympus. When she arrived at Aphrodite's estate, her mother was in a meeting, so Caritas elected to unpack her bag and settle in.

In the midst of writing a new poem, her bedroom door burst open. "Little Swan," Aphrodite called as she came over to hug her youngest daughter. "I have missed you a great deal. Why did you not till me of your impending arrival?"

Caritas had missed her mother's hugs and so she revealed in every minute of it. "I wished to surprise you, Mother." Aphrodite pulled back and started smoothing down Caritas' hair. "You have had such a hard time recently and I thought the surprise would perk you up a little."

"It did; so, thank you." The Goddess of Love beamed at her daughter. "Come, let us have supper. You must be starved after living in an orphanage in a destitute country."

"Not exactly starved, but I am used to not eating as much." Caritas agreed. "Oh, how I have missed ambrosia though."

"Then we shall have plenty of it tonight." Aphrodite promised. "You may eat your weight in it if you wish."

Caritas chuckled. "Mother, you have not changed at all. You always want to make sure we are well fed."

"It is a mother's duty." Aphrodite declared. "One I take very seriously." She let go of her daughter to link them arm in arm, "Come, let us eat."


The next day, Tessa stood staring at herself in the mirror at a wedding dress shop in Astoria while she wore her mother's wedding dress. Josh had kept it vacuum sealed for years and it was still in perfect condition. Tessa felt like crying from happiness as she turned to May. "What do you think?"

May cried for her, "You look so beautiful, Tessa!" She wiped a tear. "I don't think you could look any more beautiful."

Tessa smiled at her before turning back to the mirror and speaking to the seamstress. "Will it take many alterations?"

"Not much." The lady said with a thick Slavic accent. "You are nearly the same size."

"Good; I don't want it to look too different."

The seamstress and May helped Tessa out of the dress just as lyre sting started playing from her phone. She picked it up to hear Alex's beautiful voice. "I'm five minutes away; are you ready?"

"Yep; just gotta change."

"We have a few stops to make." Alex explained. "We pick up a Monster who broke probation. They are supposed to be nearby."

Tessa was putting on her jeans with the phone at her ear. "What did they do?"

"It seems they showed up to a check-in drunk and caused a fight."

"That's really bad for them. Won't look good for their case."

"No." Alex agreed.

"I'll be waiting outside for you in two minutes." Tessa said as she pulled her top over her head and hung up.

She said goodbye to May just as Alex pulled up. She climbed in, and they drove off. Alex found a parking spot easily. When the Demigod walked the crowded streets, they kept their hands in their pockets with only a faint look of silver showing as they tracked the Aura of the Monster. They found them hiding in an alley way not too far from the car.

"Ladon." Alex peered at them. "Come with us quietly."

"No way, I'm not falling for that trick again." The Monster said.


He shot out a burst of Aura straight for Alex and Tessa, but it bounced off Tessa's bubble easily. He aimed to take another shot which did the same thing before he made a break for it. Alex's Aura burst to life; running like a deer at full speed, Alex cut of Landon's escape route while Tessa blocked him from the other side.

"Please, come in quietly." Alex tried again before nodding to Tessa.

She pulled her bubble up attempting to wrap Ladon in it to calm him down, a power she'd learned she possessed when fighting Phobos and Deimos, just as Ladon shot out a fist towards Alex; it hit the barrier instead. They left him in the bubble a few minutes while his anger subsided before Tessa let him out.

"Let me explain before you take me in." He begged. "Alex nodded their head in agreement. "Look, I got a call today for a surprise check-in, but when I got there Atalanta wasn't there. These two agents came up and grabbed me before I even checked-in. They were telling me I was going to jail for life. So, I fought back and ran."

"There must be some mix-up." Alex told him. "I do not even think you have a case open, let alone one dire enough to send you to prison for life."

"I don't; but that's what happened."

Alex sighed. "Come back to H.E.R.A. with us, and we will get it all sorted out."

Ladon looked worried, but just placed his arms out expecting Alex to slap a pair of Aura marble cuffs on him. But they didn't; instead, they led Ladon to their car.

Astoria: Goddesses Kisses - The Reincarnation of HeraМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя