Chapter 7

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Naruto's pov

I silently crept to Sasuke's door.

I can always back out right now.

Well shit, I took a deep breath and... knocked on the door.

Well, it's done and it can't be undone now.

I heard a muttered come in, opening the door I saw Sasuke sitting on a chair next to a desk with a scroll in his hand. He had changed out of his kimono. Of course, he had. After staring at each other for a minute or so. Sasuke cocked an eyebrow at me. Right, I had to say something.

"Um- right, so well you see-" taking a deep breath, "I don't know to untie this". I finally said pointing at the piece of cloth tieing my kimono together. "You know what forget it, I'll just go-"

Sasuke silently motioned me to come closer. I slowly went and stood in front of him and watched as he untied it. Wait once he unties it... the kimono will open on its own.


After a minute or so he was done. I quickly put my hand in a position that will stop the kimono from opening itself. "Thanks, Sasuke. This is only the second time I'm wearing a formal kimono, and the last time I had Hinata to help me, so I don't really know about all this kind of stuff – I mean, tying rope knots are a piece of cake but these knots drive me crazy-" she broke off as she realized she was rambling. Stepping quickly to the door, she uttered a quiet "Thanks, Sasuke. Oyasumi," and closed the door behind her.


Now that, that's done with. MY DEAR SOFT BED HERE I COME, DATTEBAYO!


Little did she know that deep onyx eyes had followed her to the door, and stared at the door after she left.


Naruto stirred uncomfortably as her inner alarm started ringing, she tried to go back to sleep the clock inside her always woke her up at seven in the morning. Her head hurt, almost as if she had slept on a rock. Groggily, she reached behind her head and patted to find that the 'rock' had been her hair... in a bun... which she had forgotten to undo.

What a wonderful way to wake up!

Growling in frustration, she flopped on her back and and rubbed her eyes, forcing them to open and got up. Yawning widely. She stood and stretched a bit. 

One hand scratched her hair, and the other her side as she stepped to her window and looked out. She could see the Hokage Monument, and the Hokage Tower beneath it. She smiled sleepily; glad that she could still see the Monument like she had been able to from her previous home. She realized that the apartment was on the third floor, and it was higher than the two-storey houses she could see across the street from her balcony. That was a benefit - she wouldn't have to worry about anyone peeping in.

She was happy she realised, she had the day off. She's gonna hang out with Gaara today! 

The Sun glinted off something on her left hand, her fourth finger had an unfamiliar weight on it. Suddenly she realised what it was- her wedding ring. Naruto bought her hand closer to her eyes and observed it closely, something she had not done yesterday. It was a broad and flat band made of rose-gold. The sun, she realized, had been reflected by the tiny white diamonds and single ruby that were arranged in the Uchiha-Uzumaki symbol in the ring.

She stared at it for a while, but it was too early to start thinking. She cracked a yawn, enjoying the feel of the soft morning sun on her skin.

She went through her morning routine and took a shower, coming out with a robe on. She changed into a pair of feminine underclothes, and an orange t-shirt that had the new clan symbol (thought not too large) on sleeves and a pair of black baggy shorts that reached a bit below her knees. Her usual off-duty attire. She brushed her hair for a bit and then put it in it's usual two ponytails. 

Her  ring- she never thought she'd see the day she actually wore jewellery, heck, she'd never imagined herself married, mission or not - caught her eye. Shaking her head lightly, she decided to pull on her usual black fingerless gloves, and gave a self-satisfied nod when the black material covered the ring. The blonde left her room and wandered down the corridor and into the living room. In the daylight, she could better observe the living room, but her stomach gave a loud growl. Deciding to obey it, she left exploring the living room for later and slid open the remaining shoji door.

The kitchen was bright and spacious, it's a shame really that she wasn't gonna be using it much. Sighing, she skipped to the fridge and yanked it open, frowning when she saw that it was almost empty. Except for some tomatoes, what the heck was she supposed to do with tomatoes?

She went around opening all the cupboards and checked every shelf and then sighed in disappointment. No ramen. What's the point of a kitchen if there's no ramen?

Sasuke came in, and proceeded to the fridge where he took out the... tomatoes? She watched as he washed a few and... and he... ATE THEM? What the actual fuck? 

No... she wasn't gonna let Sasuke ruin her day from eating that. She wasn't going to let that bastard rile her up. 

"Ohayo, Sasuke!" she greeted, smiling cheerfully at his back. "There's practically nothing here, and I'm starving, so I'm going out to get some food - cereal, milk, maybe some rice and meat. And cup ramen. Definitely getting cup ramen! Anything you want?"


Absolutely nothing.

That bastard ignored her, bitting her tongue while rolling her eyes, she said, "Fine then, teme. See you later."


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DATTEBAYO (Sasunaru - fem naruto)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang