Chapter 18 Enchanted Jerk

Start from the beginning

*Asriel slightly squints
"Hmmm.No.Tell me something only (Y/N) would know"Asriel said being suspicious of (Y/N)
"When we were little.You imagine yourself as being the so called God of Hyper-"(Y/N) said but

*Asriel quickly puts his hand on (Y/N)'s mouth
"Ok you don't need to tell it so audibly"Asriel said looking embarrassed

"A-Asriel?Is something wrong?"Dr.Alphys asks

*Asriel quickly turns around to face forward
"No everything is just great"Asriel said with a calm smiling expression
"G-Good"Dr.Alphys said and she looks relieved

"F-Frisk"Dr.Alphys looks at me
"Yes?"I asked sounding curious

"P-Please sit close to (Y/N) and make sure he's caught up with today's lesson"Dr.Alphys said

*Although I would be happy about that.I wasn't exactly sure how to feel about sitting next to (Y/N) who's oddly acting unusual.I put my desk close to (Y/N) then Alphys started to teach the class


*Dr.Alphys just stopped to make everyone answer questions in the textbook of "The study of Magic".After I answered half of the questions, I started to write a flirty message on the last page of my notebook and I showed it to (Y/N) and he read it with no reaction besides him looking at me

"That's cute Frisk.I'll use that later"(Y/N) smiles with a gentle expression
"For who?"I ask curiously and sounding hopeful it's me

"For Betty"(Y/N) said looking calmly excited

*My heart just sank.After the hours of texting and calling him for the times we spent together. I never felt so betrayed after hearing those words.I felt sad and I had the urge to text Betty when this is probably her fault

"Is she cuter than me?"I ask quietly curiously
"Betty?She's super cute"(Y/N) said in a happy tone

*I quickly texted Betty for a big emergency. After a few texts she told me she'll explain at the Library during Lunch.I put my phone away then I notice (Y/N) drawing a perfect realistic image of Betty with hearts around her

(It better be a good explanation)

*I've waited for the class to end and it was the most frustrating and suffering 20 minutes of my life


*The bell rang in the intercom then (Y/N) quickly stands up then he didn't even both talking to Chara, Asriel or even Dr.Alphys as he made his way to leave the classroom with his notebook in his possession

*I left the classroom and Chara followed me after I told her what Betty told me.We headed straight to find Betty who I'm sure she'll be at her next class which is around this corner-

*I see (Y/N) talking to Betty but (Y/N) is holding her hand.I went to stand next to Betty and (Y/N) then they looked at me and Chara

"Why is he here?"Betty asks quietly in a concern tone
"You tell me"I said sternly

*(Y/N) lets go of Betty's hand then he shows Betty his drawing of her in his notebook
"I drew this for you"(Y/N) said looking happy
"Wow..that's..I didn't ask for this"Betty said looking confuse and worried

"I thought it would make you smile"(Y/N) said in a hopeful tone
"Betty explain this now"I said sounding worried he might be dating

*Betty looks around us and I notice students are staring at us
"(Y/N).Just do what I asked you from before"Betty whispers

"Stay by your side?"(Y/N) asks
"No the other request I ask you when we entered school.Today"Betty said in a precise tone

"Ok.I'll try my best to make that request happen if it makes you happy"(Y/N) smiles
"It would.Now please go to your next class"Betty smiles

Ebott High School-Female Frisk,Chara,Betty X MaleReader Where stories live. Discover now