Chapter 2 I'm back baby

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Ok I'm am dedicating this to TaintedF45hi0n because they were my first follower (i also think she was the first to vote if not then who ever did thank you and sorry i cant dedicate this to you because i have no clue who you are so yeah sorry im always telling you to comment so in a way its not my fault bu toh well)and idk if she has even read some of this book but hey this one is just for you and sorry to who ever finally commented this was for you but he weekend was coming and well sorry you were a little too late but since you are first you can have the next chapter! Idk I'll figure it out ok! Just want to give TaintedF45hi0in a shout out cus I really like her book and want her to update it is called never the same you should all check it out then go to mine or her page tell us about it and tell her I sent you with lots-o-love and this is my way of saying thank you,so yay back to story or go to story!!!

Charles’ POV*

Great just great why does this always happen to me I always get lost. The past 3 years I have been getting lost like crazy, I walk off the trail on my map for 5 seconds in North Dakota. I’m on my way to North Carolina to see Angelia take a wrong turn I’m in Canada or is this Mexico see I don’t even know where I am. Usually I take Angel (my nickname for Angelia) she is like my guardian angel. Teehee get it guardian angel her nickname is angel. Maybe I should just get GPS. I hear you usually don’t get lost, well unless you get a cheap one. Why, why me, why should I be the one who has to leave and see Jackson. Jackson is one of my best friends who are not Angel. He is also one of my greatest enemies. Yes, as you can guess I go by the saying keep your friends close and you enemies closer. You could say that I am really stupid and really silly. Angel would probably hit me in the back of my head saying ‘you idiot you probably got that from a movie didn’t you. Ugh all because the people who say it sound tough you don’t!’ wow I must really miss her. I mean I miss her so much I miss hoe abusive she is. Sometimes I just hate Jackson so much. If it wasn’t for that deal I made with him I would be hearing, her laugh see her smile. God how much I miss her! But I have to kill Jackson once he finds out that I didn’t kill Adrian.

If I don’t kill Jackson he will go, after all of the people I love starting with Angel. Your probably wondering what the deal was. Well it was not exactly what you think. I wasn’t just supposed to kill Adrian and walk away, no way too easy what I had to do is- what is that smell? It smells like cake and Oreo cookies. Is that is that? I sniff again and again oh no it is. I’m on their territory they’re going to kill me they’re going to kill me I’m about to die. Oh no oh no I can smell there scariest warrior. Ok Charles keep it cool collected you’re the sexiest smartest most amazingest other great stuff that is amazing about me that end in est. what was I talking about. Where am I what is that smell. Omg some one save me! Next thing I know the warriors voice says “Show you self now or else.” I chuckle theehee Angel is so cute when she is mad. What yea I said cute I have this mad huge crush on her. I have to sound cool and impress her. So in my sexiest voice, which isn’t hard, to do since I’m 100% sexy I say “Well hello Angel how have you been without me.” Man I sounded so sexy I’m in love with me!

“I know your telling yourself you’re sexy but you’re really not sorry!” I can’t believe she said that to me! Every girl kisses the ground I walk on just to look at my abs. “you idiot you don’t even know that you said all of that out loud you don’t have abs and no girl wants you. I know that was mean but you need to get I through your thick skull ok!” *le gasp!* how could she say I was not sexy and that I am stupid and not be struck by lightning? How did she know what I was thinking that maybe she is a witch!

“OMG! Angel if you are a vampire witch you need to tell someone! Wait don’t then we can surprise the supernatural world and take it over! We can rule the entire world together. On the other hand, you could rule alone but I want some power in your government! Like I will be the general or your sexy and intelligent but quiet and has no say but no one knows he has no say ki- ow! Ow ow ow that really hurt Angel!” why did she have to hit so hard!

“One even if I was a witch how dare you tell me what to do! Two I’m not a witch you are just too stupid to figure out that you are saying this aloud and three you would not be my king! My mate would be my handsome king!”

If only she knew that, her mate didn’t deserve her. I have been friends with her for like ever now and that is all we have ever been friends. Even though I want to be more to her. But she is right she has a mate waiting or searching for her unlike me. I know what you are thinking ‘why doesn’t a hunk like him have a mate!’ Well my mate died at a young age. I will never forget that day.


I was only 4 and was playing with Angel outside. We were having a blast until I suddenly fell and my heart began to ache. My inner vampire was telling me my mate had either been killed or died. He was mad at me because I should have been searching for her and at the age of 4 I believed him. I still do I could have asked my dad if we could go searching for her but I had a crush on Angel and didn’t even think about another girl in my life. It was easy for me to believe it was my fault also because my inner vampire was older than me. This probably doesn’t make sense to you but when a vampire who is 1000+ years old and dies his or her soul connects to a younger vampire’s soul. The older vampire must protect the younger one until they are 1000 and then the older soul leaves and goes to vampire heaven or to where ever it is that old vampires go. Probably a strip club or a casino I don’t know. But my old geezer vampire’s name is Victor I think he did something amazing in his time I guess but right now his soul and my soul are connected and if I am hurt or weak and in danger he will take over our body and protect me. He is like my knight in shiny armor, which is good because I like shiny stuff it catches my eye. I wonder what that buzzing kind of noise is? It has been going off ever since my flash back. Hmm there it goes again!

“Hello, hello peabrain. Earth to peabrain, peabrain do you copy. Are you even listening to me you are so annoying and you don’t even have a high attention span!”

“Oh so that annoying sound was you Angel! I’m so smart and handsome and cool I should be on TV. that would make a lot of girls happy!” I looked over to her and wished I didn’t. Wow, I never knew she could look so mad.

“Did you just say my voice was annoying and then compliment yourself!” hmm she said that through her teeth I think that is bad.

“Well yeah because I heard this really annoying sound while I was thinking-”

“Wait you had a thought and since my voice is annoying I will communicate with you through my fist ok!”

Well this is where I run!

Wait what is that familiar smell? Could that be-

 dun dunt duhhhhhh! So who was/ is it charles? who who who come on dont leave me in the dark is he bad. well he is probably bad since you were ignoring angel and you have a crush on her so yeah but you could just be jealous cus it could be a ex-boyfriend or something idk! We will just have to wait until i finish the next chappy or until next week end cus if you read the details in my other book you should know what im talking about and stuff and if you didnt then go read it cause it holds very important info just like this and so yeah......


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