Epilogue x

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27 years old Harry woke up with a start, sweat covering his tall body. He roamed his hands around the bed, trying to find his lover. His hands only found cold sheets.

He rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and stood up, putting on a clean pair of boxers. He opened the door quietly and tiptoed to the next room, cracking the door open. A fond smile made his way to his lips.

He stepped inside slowly, sitting down on the floor next to a little girl with brown curls and honey colored eyes. The girl looked up at him with a sad smile on his face.

"Hi daddy"

Harry smiled, taking the little girl in his arms and sitting her on his lap, "Hey, darling"

They sat in silence, just looking at the pictures on the girl's bedroom wall. The small girl furrowed his eyebrows and pouted his lips, "Dada?"


She took a deep breathe, "Where's papa?"

Harry's head snapped down to her, his eyes glistenning with tears. He looked away, sighing.

"I don't know, Ellie. Last time we talked, he was in New York for an important meeting for his company"

The little girl nodded, looking at the pictures on the wall, "But he didn't even come home for when I dressed up as a Ballerina and danced, and he didn't come home for Christmas or my birthday. Doesn't he love us, daddy?"

Harry shrugged, he couldn't tell his seven years old daughter that her dad left them so he could be free and expand is small coffee shop all around Europe and the US.

"He loves us don't worry. He'll be back soon, I promise."

Ellie shook his head, "Don't promise me something you can't even promise yourself, daddy. I should go back to sleep now"

She climbed back into bed and waved her dad out of the room. Harry kissed her cheek and left the room, closing the door. He went to the living room, sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. His heart was beating fast and his breaths shorten. His heart felt tight.

Did Zayn love him?

It would be Harry's birthday in a week, would Zayn be there? Would he even think of his family for once? Harry couldn't even remember the last time they kissed or said 'I love you'. Well he remembered when he did, but not Zayn.

About two years after the marriage, which was three months after the engagement, they adopted Ellie. She was so pretty and won their heart so easily. She was three when they brought her to the family.

Then about two years later, when Harry was 25 and Zayn 26, Harry's world came crashing down.

-2 years ago-

"So that's it then? After everything we've been through together you're just going to leave me? Leave your daughter?"

"Don't guilty trap me, Harry. I can't do this anymore, I can't focus on my company and on my family. I'm so stressed out because big deals are coming for me and you're not even showing just a little bit of pride or happiness for me."

"You want me to show you happiness? How about you show up to your daughter's dance recitals? Or when she won an award for best dancer? or when she got three A on her report card? You're not the man I married, Zayn."

"Of course I'm not, we were young. Maybe we made a mistake. You can't accept my work and I can't focus on you anymore."

"Do you hear yourself?" Harry had screamed "Do you actually think we were a mistake? You told me I was the one for you Zayn. Don't you dare take it back because you're too much of a coward to be here for your family."

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