Chapter 7 - Harry

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My heart is broken and this is literally so hard to write...
But you guys deserve this..

Sorry this is a sad chapter.

Dedicated to jamieecapri thank you for everything you've done, awkward potato child xx

19 years old Harry was staring at the person standing at his front door, his eyebrows raised and his body shaking with fear. Why in hell would Louis Tomlinson be standing in front of his door, a small and shy smile on his face.

"Hi, Harry"

Harry stood quite shocked, gazing at Louis as if he had two heads.

"Well, are you going to let me in?"

Harry didn't move for a couple of seconds before stepping aside and letting Louis come in.

"Wha- What are you doing here?"

"Well, you see Harry, I'm here to- say sorry?"

Harry gasped, staring at Louis with confusion and finally he shook his head.

"No. Nope. You can't do this. You can just come into my life again, trying to be all nice when all you've done is hurt me. You've beaten me up and made me hate myself. But this is over, you can't come back. No."

Harry had tears rolling down his cheeks, his fists tight against his sides as he ranted and rambled. Louis just smirked.

"Are you quite finished, Harold?"

And then Harry was laughing, he was crying and laughing but he didn't care. This was Louis. The real and nice one.


"You forgive me?"

Harry shook is head, "No, but I accept your apology."

Louis smiled but then his face turned sad, "Harry.."


Louis took a deep breath and a step forward, making Harry step back.

"Zayn needs you. He would never admit it himself but he needs you more than ever right now"

Harry's eyes widened, "Why?"

"Don't you know?" Harry shook his head, "Zayn's mother died last week. The funeral is tomorrow"


Harry stood at the entrance, a black tux on his back and his curls pushed back. He bit his lips nervously as he saw his mother entering the building with tears in her eyes. It was already hard and it was only his mother. What about Zayn? Was he okay?

And that's when he saw him, standing next to Louis on the other side of the room, no tears on his face, but his jaw sharp and contracted. He was biting his lips, his hair pushed up in a quiff as he stood in his black suit.

Harry took a deep breath and made his way to Zayn, stepping behind him without being noticed. Louis noticed though, and he gave a small smile to Zayn, and went looking for Niall.

Harry let out a breath and extended hia hand, reaching for Zayn's. His fingers laced with his, both of them standing next to each other. They both turned to look at each other, but no words were spoken. They didn't need to. They understood.

Zayn's eyes expressed all the 'thank you's of the world and Harry's contained all the 'sorry's. They just smiled, Harry tightening his grip on Zayn's finger, receiving a small squeeze from Zayn.

Zayn suddenly snapped out of it and dragged Harry to the front, sitting on a bench as they waited for the ceremonies to start. They sat together, their fingers always laced as Harry let Zayn grip his hand tighter when he felt like he was going to break down.

When it was all over, they stood up, still no words spoken. Zayn stood brave as people passed by to express their compassion for him. As soon as everyone left, Zayn turned around, looking at Harry with tears in his eyes.

"She's gone Harry. I'm all alone now. Fuck, why? Why couldn't I be here for her?"

Harry stepped forward, grabbing Zayn's chin and forcing Zayn to look at him, "I'm here for you. I love you Zayn. Always did"



So this is a sad chapter, but it was planned even before all the drama so, I'm sorry if it caused any tears..

Cute Zarry pic at the top.

I won't stop writing Zarry. I can't. I breathe for Zarry (and Narry).

You'll all like next chapter.. might be posting it straight after!

until next time,


Amelie - Louisxbooty

Years to love - ZarryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz