Arc-1 Chapter-15: What is the First Broadcast?

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    After returning to the mainland, Yukiho and I enjoyed the private outdoor bath at the hotel.

    We had planned to sleep together, but before that, we had to go to the hospital to get an "after filming check-up."

 When I told them about the wild boar, it was decided that I would also get an X-Ray just in case.

    "Well, I guess I'll be in the hospital for a while, huh?"

    To my surprise, there are several cracks in my spine and ribs.

    "Daikichi-kun, you pushed yourself too hard!"

    In the private room I was given, Yukiho scolded me harshly. I don't need to tell you how happy I am that she's so worried about me.


    From what I heard Yukiho and I had filmed a lot of useful scenes, or rather "high production value." scenes as it is known in the industry. Thanks to that the next shooting has been decided, a month from now.

    April, 15th to be exact. Just a few days after the release of the second episode.

    We're not going to film any commercials till the rating of the Deserted Island program is released. So in the meantime, I have nothing to do, in other words, I'm free.

    And finally, the day of the first broadcast.

    "It'll start after this commercial!"

    "I can't wait."

    Yukiho and I are currently at a luxury hotel in Tokyo. I've gotten permission to stay here from my parents. It's a shame to admit it, but the hotel bills are being paid by Yukiho.

    "It feels kind of strange though."

    "What does?"

    "Having the beautiful Idol in the commercial sitting next to me."

    I'm currently sitting in the same bed as Yukiho in a pitch-black room with only the large TV as a source of light, which is showing Yukiho advertising for an insurance company.

    "A beautiful Idol, but I'm not an Idol anymore..."

    "But you are still beautiful." We flirted while watching the commercial.

    "Tonight, a new legend shall begin..." The narration started and it showed some shots taken from above the Island, and then, the name appeared.

    "Heh. Isn't that the wrong title?"

    The name of our show was supposed to be "Waku Waku Uninhabited Island Kaitakuki."

    And yet what appeared on the TV was "Extreme Realism! Fearful Life on a Deserted Island!"

    "Didn't the Manager tell you? They changed the name of the show."

    "I don't remember hearing about it...Maybe I missed it?"

    I picked up my phone from the bedside table and saw that the Manager had sent me a message just now, telling me about the name change. They had forgotten to tell me.

    "They've changed the name so drastically, haven't they?"

    "It was the president's idea. He thought it would be more popular this way."

    "I see."

    The president has the most authority in this project, not even the director and producers can go against him.

After Being Cheated on & Abandoned by My ChildhoodFriend, I Ended Dating an IdolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang