⩥ Chapter Ⅲ

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Another little reminder:

ELYA reincarnated as ELEANORE Callisto

EMY reincarnated as IRENE Callisto


I wanted to do one since we came into this world but I knew she wouldn't agree because it's too dangerous. HAHA. Now she has no choice.

"The fastest one wins" I said after a long silence.

She made a long sigh before asking me:

"So, when is it?"

"How about now?"


She didn't finish sentences as I grabbed her arm and dragged her to my room. I threw on a riding suit and told her to change.

"You had it all figured out didn't you?" She said as she stared at the outfit.

"Busted! How did you know?"

"It was easy, you just come to me when you're bored or want to have fun. Then you pull out of nowhere the card the angel gave you for supposedly talking about mysterious stuff. Then you point out the one point that is hard to find and since you know that I couldn't do anything on my own, you indirectly ask me to grant you a wish and bam! You get what you want and I couldn't really because of my curiosity. Honestly, I think it's unfair that you know me so well." She said as she looked up.

"Why today? I could have done my new-" And she continued to talk to herself as she walked away to get changed.

"Hihihi... My plan was too perfect." I happily headed to the stables, where Irene would join me later.


"Can I help you, ladies?" Said the groom as he saw us arrive.

"We'd like two horses, please." I said with a smile.

"My lady is very polite. I'll be right back."

He brought us two beautiful stallions, one brown and the other white like our hair. We thanked him and I got on. Strangely, it came to me by itself, as if I had been riding all my life.

Apparently I'm not the only one since my twin sister seems to be doing pretty well too. I was wondering if there were many obstacles in the forest that separated the duchy and the nearest village. My thoughts were interrupted by Irene's words:

"Are you coming or not?"

And so our amazing race began.


It's amazing how many tree trunks and leaves were on the trail. I have to admit that my butt is starting to hurt from all the jumping the horse is doing. Why did I get into this race, hmm? I have no idea myself. I hope she brought the card with her because I don't want to sacrifice my butt only to find nothing in return. Hihi. I think I already have an idea for my revenge.

I was about to catch up with Eleanore when all of a sudden, a big snake appears in front of me. The horse, frightened, stood on its two hind legs which led to my fall. I closed my eyes, I didn't know what to do and hypnotizing someone wouldn't help me in my situation. I closed my eyes, waiting for the shock, but I felt no pain. I felt a great warmth instead, as if I had landed in someone's arms, but I thought it was strange, Eleanore must be too far away by now to have saved me, so who is it? When I opened my eyes again, I saw the face of a handsome boy in front of me. His hair was as white as snow and in his cyan blue eyes I could see a glimmer of relief.

'How handsome he is-'

A cold voice interrupted my thoughts:

"Can you let go of me now?"

OUPS. I didn't realize I was grabbing his clothes when he caught me. I let go of him quickly and jumped out of his arms.

"Sorry, thanks for saving my butt." I replied, mimicking his voice in a mocking tone.

But it was just now that I noticed that he had a few scales on his cheeks and on the back of his hands. I then looked at where the snake had appeared but there was nothing left. I went closer and saw that there were traces of crushed leaves.

I quickly made the connection and asked him:

"You were the snake, weren't you?

In the novel, I don't remember a character who could turn into a snake. But I don't exist in this story anyway. Is the author still hiding a lot from us?

'He helped me and I should help him, right? I don't like to be in debt to other people because they often tend to use the other person's willingness to pay their debts to use them for negative purposes.'

Come to think of it, why can't I read his mind? Don't tell me that there are other conditions that I have to comply in order to get into their brains for weird people like him? We'll see about that later, I have to find the horse and get back to Eleanore to-

"Yeah, you're quick at guessing."

I turned my head, surprised to hear his voice after a long silence. He continued in a slightly more welcoming voice:

"I can take you back to wherever you want to go if you want to."

"No thanks. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't pry into my thoughts any more. Being grateful is one thing, but meddling in what is none of your business is another." I said with the creepy smile my best friend hates.

If there was one thing I loved about my power, it was that I could tell if someone was reading my mind and even block their access.

'In your face, creepy Elsa.'

That was the last message I let him read before walking away in search of my beautiful snake-shy stallion.


I used to go for a walk in the forest every day and change into any animal I wanted. I like to forget all my problems in the forest. It's one of my many powers you can say. It's a pity that on the other hand, there are still traces of the last animal I metamorphosed into.

It's not very practical when, for example, you-save-a-girl-from-falling-off-a-horse-and-she-discovers-that-you-were-the-cause-of-her-fall-because-you-were-walking-around-in-a-snake's-skin.

"You were the snake, weren't you?"

She made the connections too quickly, this one. I wanted to talk to her a little more but she quickly realized that I was reading her mind and started to walk away. I was surprised at first how she acted towards a stranger but what made me laugh the most was her last comment before she left:

'In your face, creepy Elsa.'

I think I've found a new way to pass the time now... A devilish smile must be taped to my face now.


^0^ 🍪✨


You will know the identity of the mysterious guy in the next chapter...

Plan to survive? Check!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz