Decision making

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Elena wakes up and changes her clothes after getting in the shower then she straightens her hair then puts on her bracelet and calls Alaric.
A:Alaric and E:Elena
A: hey Elena what you want ?
E: I just wanted to let you know I won't be going to school today I have to make a big decision and I'll let you know my decision
A: ok i love you Elena
E: I love you Alaric
She hangs up then she stays home and calls Stefan to come over he gets there and they talk.

Stefan Pov

I walk up to Elena's house and ring the door bell and then she opens the door and says "thanks for coming Stef" I say you're welcome Elena then I come in then she says "I have a decision to make about something" as we sit down in her room on the floor about what Elena I say" "I'm pregna" she starts then stops herself then she continues "what if I was pregnant Stefan" i would say I support you and love you "Thanks Stefan but what about Rebekah Mikaelson" she says smirking and then I say we are going good I just talked to her an hour ago I really love her so much she's my life Then Elena says teasing me "Rebekah and Stefan sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g first comes marriage then comes kids" then I say come on are we kids then Klaus storms in and he says am I interrupting something then Elena says "Stefan can you give us a moment".

Klaus Pov

Elena looks upset and says " Klaus really you were interrupting something we were talking about Rebekah and" and then she stopped herself but she went farther away from me and saying " we were talking about if I was pregnant he doesn't know and now he does just leave" I was about to leave but I hesitate and say I'm sorry Elena I know you're hurt love then she says I'm more than hurt you not only hurt me but got me pregnant and I can't make a decision but hold on stay I need to talk to Stefan and She goes into the hallway.

Elena Pov
I walk into the hallway and see Stefan and I say I know you heard yes he got me pregnant and before you say anything we will talk about it later Stefan says "ok we will talk about it I love you" then I walk back into my bedroom and Klaus was still there and i said sit down and he sits on my bed and says " now what is you're decision about the baby" I say I decided but I wanted to talk to somebody about it and it couldn't been you Klaus says "why not love" because you're the father Klaus !
He says "you're right I am" then he chuckles I'm keeping the baby Klaus then he smiles and says "Caroline said she too young to have a baby so I only have on baby on the way and I supported her of course" I say good she's my best friend and now I have to tell her I am having you're child I say while tears are forming and he comforted me.

Klaus Pov

She fell asleep in my arms then I put clothes on her as I leave she suddenly wakes up and says "stay please" and I stay and lay next to her and I kiss her and we fall asleep.

Hey guys I kinda wrote about a little Stebekah and more about the drama and ik he actually stayed with her and yes I decided to make Caroline no longer pregnant with his child guys.

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