73: One last obstacle

Start from the beginning

'HAI!' The man turned and ran, barley getting anywhere before he too was impaled in the shoulder, 'ARGH!'

Withdrawing her attack, Izuku turned bacl to face Overhaul, whose expression darkened further, 'Tch, YOU MOTHER FUCKER THINK YOU CAN COME IN HERE AND STEAL MY PROPERTY!?'


'HA!' Kai said, raising his arm ready to strike the ground, 'WHO'D EVER WANT A CURSED BRAT LIKE HER?!'

'I'D GLADLY TAKE HER IN!' Izuku yelled back, launching herself forward, first first towards the man.

'THEN YOU'RE A FOOL!' Kai slammed his splayed palm onto the ground and in the instant after, the who room seemed to explode, dust filling the sight of everyone there.

Unphased, Izuku launched forward blindly, her speed clearing a path istelf. Though it never connected with her target, just the ground he was once standing on.

Growling, she spun around shifting the viewing spectrum to allow her to see through the dust, only to see the two criminal quickly escaping the room, heading directly upwards with Eri's small figure in their arms.

'OVERHAUL!' Izuku yelled, launching herself towards the three, arm outstretch and heading right for Eri. Kai grunted and suddenly his suborniate and Eri were launched up above, just clearing where the roof should be... and instead, landing on the pavement.

Smirking, he turned back to his attacker, hoping to dodge at the last minute. Though he was very  wrong as Izuku's fist met his chin, forcing him to take the same trajectory he sent the other two just moments ago. Though his landing was a little more impactful.

Grinnging under the goop, Izuku used the rock platform to launch herself up as well, leading to all four of them now being on the surface... face to face with the rest of the heroes.

And Izuku landed right in time to see Mirai get shot.

Izuku cried out, ignoring the groaning child abuser next to her and lept towards her uncle. Her Venom falling away as she caught his falling body.

'Hey there jellybean' Nighteye joked, wincing slightly

'Uncle! Please you're going to be fine! Don't die on me please!' The girl burried her head into the mans chest.

Grimacing slightly, he took his left unshot arm and gently stroken his neice's fluffy curls. 'Don't worry Izuku, I'll live through this... they didn't exactly shoot me with a bullet.'

Confused Izuku looked down only to a small red capsule sticking out of the impact point, 'Uncle! Your quirk!'

Nighteye coughed, 'I know I know, and apparently they managed to finish their product... so it's gone now, forever.' Izuku holding back her tears, tried to bring him into another hug, only to be held away by the man, 'I know this is bad but the mission Izuku, Eri she should have been right behind me. Take her to safety...' He turned his head to the rest of the heroes who were frozen in shock, 'AND FOR CRYING OUT LOUD CAN YOU GUYS CLEAR THE AREA!'

That alone was enough for the heroes to mobalise, within seconds Mirai was taken away and Chrono was overwhelmed, leaving three figures left in the area next to Kai's crater. Eri squermed, once more back in the hands of her tormentor, the only change now is that there was a wawy out for her... and she wanted to grab it with both hands... to be back in her saviours warm embrace.

Overhaul growled, trying to keep control of the girl in his arms and keep Izuku away. The two were locked in a standstill as neither could move an inch without risking their goal.

Well that was till Eri thought of something.

Eri went limp in the man's arms, leading to him ever so slightly relaxing his grip on the girl, then just like how she used to get away from her captors during one of her escapes, she threw her head up, horn pointed towards Kai's chin. It made contact as the man groaned but kept his grip. Seeing this Eri decided to use her last resort, while he was still stunned, Eri pulled her head back slightly, opened her mouth...

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