Day 5: Infected

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Nate has become a different person, and not in a good way.
His eyes have become red and bloodshot, the veins on his face are becoming more prominent, and his breathing is almost animal-like.
It's become increasingly difficult to do any work now, because Nate is always watching me and Ben. It feels like he could be possessed by whatever bit him.

I didn't think this mission would become like a real life horror movie. In the cold heart of space, we're not safe, and no one is here to help us.

I wonder if I will ever see my husband and my kids again. I'm starting to understand why John's girlfriend was skeptical about this mission, and I can understand the bad feeling she was feeling.

I don't know if we'll survive; I know I mentioned that concern in my previous entry, but it's now started to sink in.

Nate has gone missing, and it's probably for the best; because if we return to Earth with him on the ship, it could mean ill for us all. We don't want to risk potential contamination.

The rock samples we collected came to life, trapping me and Ben like prey.

The ship is beginning to malfunction, we only have a few hours of oxygen left.

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