Day 3: Being Hunted

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The module started shaking in the middle of the night...

Nate and Ben seem to sleep without a problem, but I cannot. My eyes are wide open. Because I'm strapped to my bed to prevent myself from floating around, I can't get up to investigate the noise. So, I'm stuck no matter what I do. 

  I try to take deep breaths, but I hyperventilate even more. 

When I couldn't take it anymore, I untied myself from my bed and floated over to the monitor to look at the cameras on the outside of the ship.

I sat down at the control board and moved the camera around the area to find the source of the shaking. 

  The squeak made me jump, startled. 

 I saw one of the elusive rock spiders crawling on the lense of the camera. I suddenly felt paralyzed to my chair. 

  The creature was using one of its legs to tap on the lense. Each tap felt like a death sentence. 

"What are you?" I whisper. 

  It appeared that the alien was staring at me, not at the camera, but it appeared that it was looking at me. 

 It tapped the camera lense one more time before crawling away.

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