Day 4: Strike

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Today, Ben, Nate, and I were investigating a crater that was the crash site of a cosmonaut. What we saw was greatly disturbing. It made my stomach churn. 

 All that was left of the cosmonaut was his skeleton, but all of the controls of the module were fully functional. 

"What happened up here?" Nate was ahead of me and Ben, looking around at the crashed ship. 

He was always insisting on figuring things out himself, but that was going to literally bite him back. 

 "Don't get too close," I warned, floating a good distance away, but close enough to see what was going on. 

Laughing, he joked, "What could happen? Will I be attacked by aliens?". As soon as he said his joke, he was dragged away by an unseen force, screaming in horror. 

"NATE!" Ben and I shrieked, floating as fast as we could to save our friend. Thankfully, running through space could make you move greater distances. 

I use my flashlight to brighten the area, and he was grabbed by a horde of the rock aliens. 

Eventually we were able to catch up to Nate, who just had a narrow escape from death. 

"Are you okay?" Ben asked breathlessly. Running after Nate took a lot out of us, because of how terrifying the ordeal was. 

"Yeah," Nate replied out of breath. 

  "What was that thing?" 

"It is some kind of alien," I tell the men. "It has been watching us for a while." I shudder at the strange encounter I endured. 

"That would explain why the flag we planted went missing, there's no wind up here." Ben was trying to put all the weirdness we had been dealing with together. 

"Could NASA have known about this?" I was trying to figure out why they would have us be up here when there was danger around every corner. 

"If they did, then they're good at keeping secrets," Nate gritted his teeth. Suddenly, he began to freak out. 

"Nate, what's wrong?" Ben jumped, startled at the sudden freak out. "There's something in my suit and crawling on the inside of my helmet!" he hyperventilated.

"Take a deep breath," I tried to calm him down. 

"How can I? There's a freaking alien trying to kill me!" he cried, wincing in pain. 

The creature decided to make an appearance by crawling across the inside of Nate's helmet. I was screaming in terror along with Ben. 

We need to help Nate, and fast. 

He must have gotten bit by the alien, because the wound on his stomach is starting to get infected. 

  The wound was deep. 

Since Nate had gotten bit, he wasn't the same anymore. Veins creeped up his face and his eyes were bloodshot. 

Ben and I don't know what to do. We tried to radio headquarters on Earth, but they were no help. When we tried to contact them again, our radios started to malfunction.

"They're watching me! Why are they watching me?!" Nate attempted to destroy the cameras we were using, but Ben restrained him before he did anything stupid.

 I thought I was going crazy.

  I was keeping an eye on the rock samples we collected, and they were in their camouflage state. 

 There's a bigger one that we collected, and it must have been the leader of the horde. This was the one that attacked Nate and the one that was watching me through the camera. 

I was looking at it to see what it would do, and I was trying to take notes to further understand this thing. 

Suddenly, it woke up and hissed at me. 

These creatures are not friendly, they're ravenous and dangerous. 

I don't know if we're gonna make it out of here alive.

The Cosmic TerrorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon