Authors Note.

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   Hello folks,

   I first off wanted to thank anyone who has supported me and this story throughout the process of it being written. It means more then you guys could imagine and continues to drive me to produce work everyday for you guys.

   Unfortunately, this fiction has come to an end, as much as I wish it wasn't. I can't remember exactly when I started writing Put Me In A Movie, but I do remember the countless hours of work I had put into each chapter, slowly but surely finishing what would make the final and complete fiction. Along the way, the endless comments you guys would leave on my work would only drive me to publish even more work. I am content with how this story has been written, and although my creative vision I have made of these characters aren't exactly the same vision that others may have, I'm glad that I was able to share my version of Charlie's story.

   Some of things in this fiction have raised a few brows, and there have been some questionable quotes from Charlie as well as the other characters, but again, this was all apart of my creative vision and standpoint I had created when first beginning Put Me In A Movie. Overall, I'm glad that I was able to share this piece of work with all of you.

   I can't wait to share more work with you guys, and thank you for being here for the ride that this story was. Your support means the world and more.

   Lots of love,

PUT ME IN A MOVIE - Charlie Barber. Where stories live. Discover now