Quirk Apprehension test.

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Mina stared at the large door. 

She couldn't raise her arm to grab the handle. 

Nerves ate her. 

Lightning seemed to dance in her mind. 

What if... 

What if they thought she was weird like-

"You know opening the door may be a good start." A voice behind her said. 

She turned and there was nobody there. 

She heard a gasp.


Turning Mina smiled at the green haired boy. 

"I-Izuku!" She said with a nervous smile. "W-What'd I tell you? We freaking did it man!" 

Realization seemed to shoot through Izuku as he smiled. 

"Yeah we did!" He smiled. "I jut hope Kachan and the glasses dude aren't in our class."

Opening the door Izuku winced as an explosion went off.

"Who the hell do you think you are you damn extra? What school put that stick up your ass!?"

"Huh?" The blue haired boy looked confused before a determined look crossed his face. "I am Iida Tenya! From Somei Private academy!"

"So you're an elitist eh?!" Katsuki asked. "It'll make it all the more fun when I kill you!"

Izuku looked at the sky and sighed. 

"Oh?" Turning Iida stared at Izuku. Quickly he ran over and started shaking his hand. "I am Tenya-"

"I-I overhear already." Izuku said with a nervously smile. "I'm Izuku Midoriya."

"I'm Mina Ashido!" Mina said with a grin. 

"I must say the two of you are my superiors." Iida said. "I missed the true meaning of the test. While you two did not."

"I uh... didn't know Rescue points were a thing." Izuku mumbled, relief in his voice. "I wouldn't have passed otherwise."

"But you got such an admirable score of seventy two? Third place."

"I-I got sixty rescue points." Izuku laughed. "I-I only got twelve villain points." 

That seemed to shock most of the students. 

"And you're First place right?" Iida asked Ashido. 

Ashido blushed purple and started waving her arms around. "Y-Yeah b-but it's not that big of a deal! I was about even with Rescue and villain points."

"If you're here to make friends you can just leave." A voice behind them said. 

They all turned and looked down at the floor. 

'What in the world is that?!' Was the thought that rang through the class. 

"Hello everyone I'm your homeroom teacher Aizawa." Aizawa said. "You can call me Aizawa sensei."

Everyone went to open seats and faced forward. 

"It took you all eight seconds to get your act together." Aizawa said. "That's eight seconds where the bad guys can kill any hostage they have near them." He crawled out of his yellow sleeping bag. "Now I know this is sudden but can you all put these on and head outside for a field test."

Mina giggled with the other girls as they changed into their P.E. uniforms. 

"So who do you gals think is cute?" Mina asked everyone. 

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