Act Three, Scene Three

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Location: the castle chapel


CLAUDIUS: I don't like this, not even a little bit. He's becoming dangerous. I'm sending him to England, and I want you two to go with him.

GUILDENSTERN: We'll take care of him, for all our safeties and his own.

ROSENCRANTZ: It's kind of funny to think about how this all stems from the death of one man. If some commoner were to die, we'd forget about him in a heartbeat. But a king? His death causes a hurricane.

CLAUDIUS: Get ready for your trip. We'll end this danger before it gets worse.


POLONIUS: He's headed up to Gertrude's room now--she called for him. I bet she wants to chew him out. I'll drop in behind a tapestry and listen in.

CLAUDIUS: Thank you. (Exit POLONIUS) So, I know what you're all thinking. Did I do it? Yes. And now that I've done it, my guilt is stronger than my will to be king was. My hands will never be clean of murder. How can I repent this? I don't think I can. All I have left to do is pray. (kneels

(enter HAMLET, sword drawn)

HAMLET: It would be so easy to end his life right here, right now. But if I do, what if his repentance and connection to God is good enough to get him into heaven? How would I be able to live with myself knowing that my revenge will never be complete? (puts sword away) I'll do it when he's drinking sometime. Now, my mother awaits. Claudius can try to save himself a little longer. (exit HAMLET)

CLAUDIUS: I think, deep down, I'm still just a man. (exit CLAUDIUS)

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