Chapter 9

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    Everyone started to explain their weapons. So far you've gathered that Bachira's weapon is his dribble, Raichi's weapon is his shooting technique (he called it "sexy football"), Gagamaru's weapon is his close quarters plays, Iemon was a "jack of all trades", Igaguri has his unyielding spirit, Kunigami has his left foot shooting power, and Kuon has his jumping power. You haven't stated your weapon yet, for you didnt know how to put it into words.

    "My weapon... hm... well i dunno.." Isagi spoke.

    "Passing ain't it?" Igaguri suggested.

     "No.. thats no good for a striker.." Isagi responded.

    "Logical thinking-?" You asked.

    "Possibly.. but it doesn't seem right..." Isagi spoke.

    "Quit wastin' our time if you don't even know!!" Raichi exclaimed.

    You gave him a death glare as kuon asked who would go next.

    "AH! Hold on, ill think of something!!" Isagi spoke desperately.

     "Clocks ticking~.." gagamaru pressured isagi.

     "While isagi's thinking about it, lets move on.." Kuon started, "Chigiri?"

     "Don't wanna say it..." chigiri mumbled.

     "HUH? But everyone here's showing their weapons so come on!" Igaguri spoke.

     "Don't pressure him.." you defended chigiri, "if he doesn't want to speak up, he doesn't have to as long as he knows what his ability is and when the right time to use it would be."

     "SCREW IT LETS JUST MOVE ON!!" Raichi said, clearly agitated.

     "(Y/n)?" Kuon started, "your ability?"

    You paused for a bit, thinking of how to put your weapon into words.

    "Uh..." you started, "Sometimes i have these weird moments when I'm on the field.. its like i just get lost in the game, y'know, its like I'm being possessed then boom, i score a goal..."

    Everyone stared at you blankly until Bachira spoke, "WOAH! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER!"

    "Thats a decent skill ya got there," kuon joined in.

     You blushed a bit and said, "thanks!"

     "Well.. thats that," kuon said, "from this foundation, a team can be built."

    You nodded as kuon continued, "I think we should focus on learning how to put our weapons to use."

    You got lost in your thoughts for a bit until kuon spoke again, "WE'RE GOING WITH THE "I'm the next 9" TACTIC!"

     You almost fell backwards  out of surprise, but quickly regained your composure and nodded in agreement to his plan.

     The next few days, you and the rest of team Z went through special training. You strengthened your teamwork with the rest of the guys on the team within that time span.

    You walked into the cafeteria with a rumbling stomach. After all, you had been training for 8 hours nonstop. You sighed as you sat down next to isagi.

   "Yo," you waved at isagi, who seemed to be in a trance of sorts.

    "Oh, hi.." Isagi waved back, "how are you?"

    "Im good! How about you?" You replied, setting your tray of natto in front of you.

   "Same here!" Isagi replied, "thanks for asking!"

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