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"So basically you want to dangle me in front of people who want to kill me like a piece of meat" "yep that after all distractions is what apprentices are for and honestly you got it easy because trust me when I say you don't want to know the things my master had me doing when I was an apprentice," hiccup said whilst laughing "well mine what's that bad" iris butted in, "no one asked you miss show off" hiccup retorted back, "Let's land in the clearing up ahead follow me and toothless" hiccup clapped his hands as toothless let out a raw "wait I thought you were blind" a confused Jess asked/stated. "It's better if you don't ask" iris commented as she steered her dragon to follow the disappearing night fury.

The clearing was big enough for the three dragons. The fights were in 3 days time and so drake was going to get arrested tomorrow or at least that's the plan, then hiccup would but in as an upset brother and iris will hold him back so when hiccup kills the emperor he has a motive instead of it seeming like an assassination, by having Jess arrested they gave themselves motive. They need to do this to hide the truth behind the assassination so there clients stay in the clear and out of suspects eyes.

"this is going to be so fun" hiccup chimes excitedly as they fish off the details for tomorrow "I hate you guys so much" "yeah well we are you masters and so off you go little Jess go prove yourself" hiccup says whilst nudging her on the back in the general direction of the busy streets. Jess looks back to see iris waving cheekily before disappearing into the shadows.

Jess eyes were everywhere as he walked up to the jewellery stand, she saw a long emerald embedded necklace and after looking both ways to check the cost was clear and eye up the horse she planed to steal.
"Oy get back here" someone yelled as Jess took off towards the horse by now there was a commotion she had pushed someone over and the jewellers were yelling some colourful language at drake, the horse was only a few more feet but did involve plowing through more people. Jess mounted the horse nerely running over this poor woman and child as she sped the horse up, the Guards were now in chase so naturally drake falls off the horse.

"You are under the custody of the emperor for violating the laws, and therefore will be a contestant in the emperors torment, I hope your good with a sword lass you will need skill if you hope to last five minutes." The guard growled his rotten breath going in Jess's face. "No no guard there has to be a mistake she's my sister you can't take her I need her" a voice came from behind the crowed parted to show a man with a stick taping on the ground as he walks forward "I can't see I need her to take care of me" "well to bad" the guards said whilst shooing the blind man away, "now buger off you useless piece of shit, and if you have a problem with your sister being arrested for braking the emperors laws take it up with the emperor himself, you might be lucky enough to catch a glance at him tomorrow, oh wait you can't because you poor little useless thing can't see" the guard said to the blind man the guards laughed as they dragged Jess away. "You will regret this day!! The emperor will regret this if it's the last thing he will ever do! He will pay with his life if my sister doesn't survive the fights!!" "I would love to see you try blind guy! Your all bark and no bite! Now run along home" the guard said before leaving to follow the two that were dragging jess to the city prison. Iris walked up to hiccup handing him back his stick hiccup held one hand the stick and the other wrapped sound iris's hand, "I think my acting was pretty good don't you agree" hiccup states proudly "yes and there was quite the crowd if the people are anything like the people back home the news of the mad blind man will be out there soon enough, now let's enjoy Rome shall we, I mean we still need to design the base and decide where to put it," iris answers. "Things to do people to see, always busy" "eh life would be boring any other way" "true true"

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