Just a day

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It was just a simple day in Peter's life, as simple as it can be with spider powers, bullies in school, internship, patrolling and stuffffffffffff.

Peter never got the concept of bullying someone. Like if you want attention then try sucking you own dick covered with a sock which is not washed for a whole year in the middle of a street or school corridore.

Sure that will give you more attention than bullying someone and hurting them, might even get famous on twitter. Who knows?

So after a very long day of school here Peter was trying to get through his last class which is P.E, along with Ned and MJ and some Not-so-nice-people.

Everything was going just fine but not until the teacher got called by the principal himself. And this gave a chance to the-not-so-nice-people to start up.

"heyy penis look what i have here. Your diary." Flash yelled across the room making Peter's blood run cold. He writes in it sometimes as Mr. Stark told him told him it helps to deal with a bad day.

"Annnnnnddd PARKERS BI!" Flash laughed with his goons. teasing Peter. But Peter wasn't going to be a punching bag anymore. "Yeah, you keep that up and i will fuck your girlfriend and your Best friend." he said to Flash, the whole class erupted with "ohh's", cheers and laughters.

"Ahh- i- my- Fuck you Parker!" Flash exclaimed. "well you announced my sexuality to the whole class yourself, so i don't mind it, anyways Anytime when your ready Flash" Peter said and  smirked, leaving the teens shocked.

"never knew ya had it in 'ya. Peter" Jake said laughing hysterically.  Flash charged towards Peter, ready to punch him but as said earlier Peter isn't going to be a punching bag anymore so he dodged swiftly and knocked out Flash, making him fall flat on his butts.

The whole class cheered again, leaving Flash embaressed as hell.
"YOU SUCK" Flash screamed from the top of his lungs, not being able to stand the embaressment. "And you swallow" Peter said unbothered and went away wuth the rest of the class as the bell already rang, signalling that school is over.
He got so many compliments like
"That was cool"
"Damn bro"
Even MJ smiled a little!

From that day Flash learned his lesson and never bullied anyone.

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