"I would love to, but how about another day? If I walk you home all drenched, Melo will kill me," what he was saying made sense to the girl. Not only for his safety, but also for hers. If she went home soaked in the early morning, Angel would give her an earful.

"Yeah, it will be better to postpone it then." They continued talking about their lives. Finnick explained to her, quite vaguely, his life as Victor, and she apologised for not having talked to him earlier. 

It wasn't a great deal for him. Melo had told him the reason she didn't talk to him, and he couldn't say he minded. He had the same prejudices about her as she had about him. While talking about Dove's family, a question popped up in her mind. 

"Finnick, is it all right with you if I ask about your family? I mean, I've never seen you with anyone with you at your house. . . That is why I was wondering. . ." She felt guilty to have brought up the topic the same moment she had finished her question. Finnick's smile wavered for a second before returning to his Capitol usual one.

"Most of my family died last year. Drowned in the sea. I have my mother, but I don't actually have a good relationship with her. That's why I live alone." Dove felt bad for having asked, but something about what he had said seemed oddly familiar. 

"I'm sorry. Are you OK?" Most of his family died just after his games. Of course, he's not OK! Goddammit, I just make it worse the more I talk. . . Wait. Drowned in the sea after his games? What the paper said about mum's siblings was similar, wasn't it? And also to have happened right after his games. . . As she continued wondering about the situation before her, she suddenly remembered her mother's advice to Melo.

'Whatever you do, accept the deal he'll give you. Your sisters' life will be in danger if you refuse.' The deal. The deal is the cause of all Victor's misfortune. Everyone has a deal, and if they refuse, President Snow kills their family to make them accept! Goddammit, only thinking about it is sickening. The information sank in her mind quickly, making her forget reality for some seconds.

"I have my days. I usually come here to talk to them. You could say, this is also my special spot." Finnick's words weren't what she expected. Maybe a little yelling and offence would be more fit for the situation. Yet, there he was. Completely unbothered, as if he was remembering a bad dream.

Wait. President Snow can't afford to kill all the family at once, or the Victors wouldn't have anyone to protect. Therefore, they would refuse again. Finnick has his mother still alive, so she is who Snow is using against him. Dove realised.

Mum also has her parents alive. But, I guess once she adopted Melo, everything changed. If Angel goes to the games next year and dies, I'll be the only remaining family for mum and Melo that President Snow can kill as he pleases! This information only fucks up my initial plan of volunteering for Angel even more. As she tried to stop the rambling in her head, his words sank in her mind. 

He came to the beach to talk and remember his loved ones, because there was no one alive he could trust with his thoughts without getting them in danger. Many emotions hit her; pity, sympathy, compassion. But mostly, she identified with him.

"I guess I can share this place with you. But this must remain a secret between you and me. No one else!" If Finnick didn't want to stop his Capitol behaviour, it had to be for a reason. "It's an honour to share a secret with an Ogilvy," he exclaimed, amused. 

"By the way, can you explain to me why everyone in the Capitol thinks you're in love with me?" Finnick's topic change was perfectly welcomed. It would be fun for her to explain how the interviews had worked for her. 

"It has to do with the interviews during the Hunger Games, and me trying not to curse in front of all Panem," he snickered at her reply. "Why did you want to curse?" She had to think for a minute about what her question had been in the interview. They weren't many, but they were ridiculous and off-topic.

"Well, when they ask you how has it been, living near one of the handsomest guys in all Panem? Have you fallen madly in love with Finnick Odair? And so on, when your brother is risking his life in the Arena. I guess the wanting to curse just appears." Even though she tried to make it sound like a joke, it was obvious how mad she was. 

"So you're not madly in love with me? I have to say that's disappointing." He muttered teasingly. "Cocky much?" Laying back a bit, he playfully made a hurt expression.

"Excuse you, Freckles. But I'm not cocky," and you're saying that in your Capitol voice. . . Yeah, whatever you say, Finnick. She thought as she moved a tad to face the boy better, getting sand all over her clothes in the process. 

"Come on, you're a total peacock! Also, Freckles? Really, Blondie?" He also changed his position to face her. The sun rising let her see his face in more detail. 

"Surprisingly, you're not the first person to call me that. And Freckles is a better nickname than Blondie." His statement didn't surprise her, but she wondered who would have the courage to say that to a Victor? Maybe another Victor?

"Whatever you say, Blondie," she replied, laughing a bit after watching his reaction to the nickname. The sun was rising too quickly for her liking. Joking around with Finnick had been helpful in calming her persistent anxiety. She didn't want to go back to her house just to face reality again. 

"Do you want to meet up again here? You know as an everyday thing, or from time to time, if you want to," she didn't expect him to ask her first. Where had the Capitol Finnick gone? His voice was almost desperate. Maybe, just maybe, Finnick had the same thought as her. Perhaps they had helped one another ignore reality.

"Yeah, that would be nice. But now I have to go home if I want to make it before everyone wakes up." Getting up was harder than she expected after long hours of sitting on the sand. She had to stretch her arms and legs before removing the sand out of her clothes. 

"I'll walk you home. I should go to mine too, anyway." Finnick's offer was convenient for her. If her family was awake, she could always say she had gone out with him on an early walk. 

"Yeah, I would love that." Once he had removed all the sand from his clothes, both teens walked together back to Victor's Village. Happy to have a new friend in their chaotic lives. 


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