"I understand." I nodded, trying to keep my words to a minimum because my lip was quivering to much. "I think I'll just stay here, it's peaceful. More peaceful then this world has ever been." I looked away as I stood to my feet. Spotting an old log I made my way in that direction.

Sitting down, I let out a sigh as I heard Ricks foot steps slowly trail off in the distance.

Zoning out, I listened to the crickets quietly chirp in the tall grass. A few lightening bugs were flickering off in the distance. But I just let my mind wander, not really concerning myself with my surroundings anymore.

"Three strikes and you're out Had." I quietly whispered to myself as I thought about all the times I cheated death.

I've been attacked by a psychopath three times. Chased by multiple hordes of walkers. Had numerous guns placed to my head in various fashions. I was almost raped by one extraordinarily creepy man named Merle. I've been shot in the knee with my own bow. I was burned by fire as I escaped Atlanta, and most recently made to fight for my life in a walker arena. As I rattled all my near death experiences off in my head. The list quickly growing as the situations added up.

But because I survived those, I meet Rick and his group. I meet people who I'd consider my family. People that I've spent several months with so far, and face it, in a world like this months seem like years. Most importantly I have meet Daryl. The smug son of a bitch that held a gun to my head on our first encounter. What can I say, nothing says love at first sight quite like a gun to the head.

Just thinking about that made a small laugh escape my lips.

"What ye laughing about?" I didn't have to turn around to know Daryl was behind me.

A smile was forming quickly on my face even before I said it. "The first time we met." This time I turned and saw an amused smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Ye mean the night I held a gun to your head?" Just shaking his head he made his way over to me. Taking a seat next to me on the old rotting log.

"Real romantic." I chuckled, as my fist gently punched his shoulder playfully. I was trying to lighten his mood.

"You're somethin' else, do ye know that?" His eyes met mine in the dark and I just gave a smile.

"Yeah I do." I let out a laugh and slid closer to him, so our sides touched. Really, I was expecting him to move away not wanting to be so close to me. But he didn't move, he just slung his arm around my shoulder carefully.

We sat like this for the longest time. Not talking but enjoying each others company, as we watched the stream flow slowly down hill.

"So scientist?" He finally broke the silence asking me about my previous work.

"Dr. Hadley Sanders, to be specific." Shrugging my shoulders I acted like it wasn't a big deal. But to me it really was, because that part of my life ruined everything.

"So you're a doctor?" He questioned, raising a brow at me.

Closing my eyes I gave a small chuckle. It was a common mistake, but I needed to clear it up. "Not a doctor in a normal sense, doctor of biochemistry."

"Why didn't ye say anything before?" He asked me again. God, why did he have to ask all these questions. Questions that I had answers for but answers I'd rather keep buried.

Sitting there my mind was running wild with all the possible answers I could give him. None sounding as good as the truth though.

"It's the past Daryl. My job wasn't glamorous and I ruined a lot of lives in the process. So I'd rather keep it there." I finally managed a decently vague answer.

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