Rylee tossed her head back into the cushion behind her. She was glad she didn't wake him up. It was 4:35 in California.

She looked back down at her laptop in her lap and went to her email. She clicked through all her old contacts from work, and a few people she had met over the last month and let them know that she was officially up and running.

She felt a rush flow through her as she hit send on the email. This was happening. She was back into the boat.

She flopped down onto the couch, head landing softly on a throw pillow. She cuddled up into the soft blanket she had brought down and scrolled through her phone.

She didn't expect to fall asleep, but alas, five minutes later, she was out.


Rylee woke up to her phone ringing beside her on the couch cushion. She picked it up still half asleep and hit accept on the call.


"Hey mama," Rylee heard the familiar smooth voice through the speaker.

She stretched, letting out a small yawn, "Hey you. How's it going?"

Sebastian chuckled at the obvious tiredness still laced in her voice. But he quickly died down when he thought of how to answer her question.

"Okay til about five minutes ago. There's a big snow storm coming through which of course never happens but decided to now," he hesitated for a moment, but Rylee waited for him to continue, "They cancelled all the flights out of LA because of it."

"Oh no," Rylee said, pout crossing her lips.

There was a brief pause between the two of them. Neither speaking, until Sebastian responded, "I don't think I'm going to make it back in time."

Rylee could hear the disappoint in his voice, but didn't say anything. Her silence an obvious sign of disappointment as well.

"I'm so sorry," Sebastian said quietly, almost too quiet to hear.

Rylee sat up now, sitting crisscross on the couch, her hand resting on her bump, rubbing it mindless, "It's okay. This isn't some stellar appointment. It's more of a check up. Our anatomy scan is next month though."

"I hate not being there though...even if it's only five minutes," Sebastian replied, concern still dripping from his words.

"I know, baby," Rylee returned, not knowing what to say. She knew he wouldn't be swayed easily on the subject. He had told her before that he never wanted her to have to go to an appointment and end up hearing bad news alone.

He had realized his stance on that the moment Rylee had told him about the first pregnancy tests she had taken last year, when Alexa went with her to the doctors and found out she had appendicitis.

He always hoped and prayed there'd never be bad news, but he would never in a million years want her to deal with it alone if they got it.

"I'll do whatever I can to get back. I've been refreshing the airlines website, waiting for changes."

"Just be safe. I'd rather have you here late than not at all." Rylee stated, seeming to let the subject die down.


"Oh! So there was a reason I accidentally called so early this morning."

"Oh?" Sebastian asked, perplexed.

"It's done." Rylee knew she wouldn't have to explain what "it" was.

"It's done?" Sebastian asked, more out of excitement than a question.

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