chapter one

19 1 1

     song: This Could Be Us by Rae Sremmurd


               "You know, I could set you up with someone-" Mary's excited voice echoed from the phone lying on my desk. I sighed loudly, interrupting her speech.

"I don't need you babysitting me" I informed her, obviously annoyed. I was staring blankly at the computer screen in front of me, not really paying attention to the reason for Mary's call.

"I'm not babysitting you" She said, short silence followed. "Well-maybe" She sighed, sounding tired and suddenly I felt bad for not listening to her.

"I'm fine Mary, I promise. It's sad that Simon died but we weren't that serious. It was months ago, I'm over it" I repeated again. I felt like a robot who was programmed to say the same thing over and over again. Simon was a bartender I met on a vacation and we slept together a few times, then he got himself in some trouble and was murdered because of his debts. Everyone thought I was his girlfriend so I just rolled with it and got over it. It was months ago, really. Not a big deal.

"I know. But don't you think you should go out sometimes? Meet new people?"

"I'm working, I need to finish at least another five chapters before I can relax" My eyes hurt from staring at the screen all day but there was nothing to do in London. I can't stand the rainy and cold weather, Mary was lucky I liked her enough to fly here for the wedding.

"I can hear that. You're deleting more words than typing" I rolled my eyes at that comment, even though she couldn't see that. "If I wasn't so busy with planning, I would take you to some bar but John is out tonight-"

"No, thank you" I immediately stopped her. She was right, I was having some kind of a block and couldn't write a single sentence. But going out and partying with her fiancé? In this weather? Not really my thing. "I look forward to seeing you both at the wedding-" I was ready to end the call but Mary interrupted me.

"Letta, please. Just go out, have fun, I'll send you the address but you don't have to go with them particularly. I don't really think you and Sherlock would get along anyways" Mary laughed to herself. I just sighed and stayed silent. I had no idea who Sherlock was but maybe I could use some blowing off steam. Plus drunk John sounded like a great story for the wedding.

"I'm only doing this to keep an eye on your drunk almost-husband"


Everything was so loud, so fast and so slow at the same time. I felt like I was about to throw up and the drinks that suddenly appeared on the table in front of me didn't help.

"Cheers!" John yelled, a wide smile playing on his face.

"Well, this place is boring" Sherlock stated out of nowhere, looking around as if he was looking for someone. John quickly introduced me when I arrived and filled me in on Sherlock's genius thinking. I bet he could read me like a book but he chose to say nothing. Maybe it was the fact that he was under the influence or maybe he just didn't care enough. I was for sure too drunk to care about who he actually was. Sherlock was just John's friend. Simple as that.

Another fast-paced song started to play.  The sound of gunshots mingled with rhythmic music, not scaring anyone because they weren't real. Just a part of the song. I didn't know why it startled me so much. Maybe I just had too much to drink.

"What's next on our list?" John asked, looking over Sherlock's shoulder on the map that was lying on the table. My eyes nervously bounced around the club. I felt the familiar feeling rush through my veins, goosebumps appeared on my hands and my heartbeat rose.

"I say we should take this party to the flat" Sherlock said, his eyes looking right at me. John looked at us both, visibly confused. "She's about to have an anxiety attack if we stay here any longer" Sherlock explained and my mind cleared up a little. The feeling of someone knowing what was wrong was comforting.

"I didn't know your science... thing was still working" John commented, sounding very drunk. That made me chuckle and I felt a little bit better as we were entering a cab. And when we got to Sherlock's flat and I had another drink, my anxiety was all forgotten. Gosh, I really can't stand crowded places.

Minutes later, we were all seated in the living room, laughing our asses off, drinking straight from the bottle. The topic changed rapidly, John fell asleep several times and got waken up again between that until he really fell asleep around 3 in the morning. And suddenly, it was just me and Sherlock. Drunk me and drunk Sherlock.

"Spin the bottle" I said, determined. Sherlock raised his eyebrow, confused.


"Oh come on, the Sherlock Holmes doesn't know how to spin a bottle?" I laughed. I could feel myself getting more and more flirty by seconds. But I was far too drunk to care.

Sherlock just spun the bottle on the table between us without another word.

"What now?" He asked.

"When one end of the bottle lands on you, you have to kiss the person the other end of the bottle landed on" I was maybe an idiot and drunk but I undoubtedly saw Sherlock's eyes flicker with something I couldn't recognize. Fear? Surprise? Maybe excitement? 

"But we are the only ones playing" He seemed confused. Oh boy, I was enjoying this.

"That's what makes it fun, isn't it?" 

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