Their Surrogate. 3

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Their Surrogate. 8

Mew and Gulf were sitting in the lounge with Jenice watching some random series.

It was almost 39th week of her pregnancy and since Mew had changed his behaviour, she was really glowing. Relaxed and happy. She gained a good weight too and the babies were hyperactive these days.

Although Mew was still not into much skinship with her but yeah he was trying to adjust.

Tae was right, there are always two options to live. So why not happy. Atleast he wasnt hurting Gulf as Thanitt told him that day. So yeah, he was adjusting to it.

Gulf turned to say something about the series but stood up to approach Jenice who was wincing in pain.

"Jenice. You okay"? He held her hands while Mew quickly dialled her gyneachologist and as expected she was advised to bring in to the hospital as soon as possible.

Jenice thought may be it was a false alarm but no, her water broke down as Gulf helped her to stand. Mew and Gulf looked at each other before rushing to get the bags ready in the car and inform their mothers to reach hospital.

The gynea was waiting for Jenice and she was rolled in to the labor room as soon as they approached. A sigh of relief that it was all normal.

The doctor asked if someone wanted to accompany her but Mew and Gulf, both were hesitant so they refused since everything was under control. Jenice didnt force either. Because yeah... They were not that close to each other.

"Sir we need the names". One of the nurses came out to ask for names. Mew turned to Gulf confused. Wasnt it decided that Jenice will choose the names.

"Miss Isaiac has said it will be your decision". She said. They wanted to talk but ofcourse it wasnt the time.

"Natalia Kanawut Joongcheeveevat for girl and Nyle Kanawut Joongcheeveevat for the boy". Mew told her the names that he had thought long back.

Thanitt also joined the family in the waiting room along Tae.

"Mew. Am scared". Gulf murmured. Mew hug him tight, rubbing his arms. He was scared too. Though the doctor was positive, still it was natural.

It took more than an hour for her labor pains to kick in properly and then the birth of two healthy babies.

Everyone was in an awe to see the cute bundles of happiness as the nurse brought the babies out to meet the family.

Mew held Natalia and Gulf held Nyle. A perfect family. Their parents, their friends. Everyone was happy to see the little family.

Jenice was rolled in a private room after she was cleaned and changed. She was awake when Mew and Gulf visited her with the babies snuggled into them..

"Awe . My babies". She opened her arms to touch them, feel them close. She was softly kissing both of their hands and feet. The babies recogized her scent too, as she held them close.

The visitors left as the visiting hours were finished while Mew Gulf stayed with her and ofcourse they couldnt get enough of their babies.

Jenice was laughing looking at Gulf trying to hide them both bot to give them to Mew. And Mew was sulking in the corner. They had waited for this moment for so long and now they couldnt get enough of them.

Jenice was kept in hospital for two days and then she was allowed to go home.

She was touched to see the love everyone showered on her. MewGulf's parents gave her lots of gifts. Thanitt and Tae gifted two strollers for the chubby kids. They would laugh to tease Gulf that kids took his chubby cheeks.

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