chapter twenty one: disguise

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Every new day brought about a new challenge. It was common knowledge that the First Order were planning something, but the Resistance was fully encased in the dark. They needed intel, but missions had come to a standstill after Ren had revealed himself to you a few weeks prior.

No flights had gone out since, despite the odd supply run and Commander mission. But other than that, all birds were grounded. All pilots were earth bound. It was like a group of teenagers that had been left on house arrest after throwing a private party.

You didn't know what Poe got up to, anymore. Not since you'd been destroying yourself with Force training. At night, though, you sensed his restlessness. His want to be around you was also strong, that craving, that physical need— all he wanted was for you to be safe.

But he had nothing else to channel that nervous and bored energy into—

Besides into you.

"Baby," he whispered, lips pressed to your neck and limbs tightly intertwined with your own in the morning. He pecked you incessantly until you stirred awake, sucking in a dry breath as you slowly began to realise that his hands were roaming your body.

"Good morning," you said lowly, turning your body to face his until your stomach lay flat against his own. Skin to skin, this was how you liked to wake up. Poe knew it well; every nook and cranny of your skin and what movements made you tick. It wasn't uncommon for him to move to your bunk in the middle of the night and awake you with soft kisses each morning.

Soft kisses that could only mean one thing.

He was horny. Really fucking horny. All his pent-up energy and restlessness wasn't going unseen, but Maker—you were feeling it. Alongside all of the circuit and saber training, it was a miracle that you could still get yourself up in the mornings, but Poe's horniness was simply rubbing off on yourself.

You couldn't get enough of the pilot. Despite all the shit, all the sadness, all the fear; when you were in Poe's arms you felt safe and sound; and when he was inside you it wouldn't be long until you knew you'd feel more relaxed than should be possible.

"When do you start training?" Poe questioned softly, but the pace of his kisses was picking up fast since your eyes fluttered open. You allowed him to press you into his body, hands snaking around your waist and fingers digging in softly. You let out a noise between a moan and mumble as the spot between your legs started responding to his touch.

"You're not asking that because you actually give a shit when I start training, are you?" you replied, and your voice grabbed Poe directly by the throat. He pulled away from your neck, his entire body freezing and buzzing with adrenaline that he couldn't fucking wait to release.

His eyes hit yours and you could have come undone right then. Your entire body squirmed as soon as you had his full attention. "Am I getting that predictable, baby?" he said, so deliciously lowly that you could almost taste his words on your tongue.

You swallowed. "Yes, baby. You are that predictable," you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, bringing his face close to your own.

"Is this you complaining?" he questioned, perking a brow at you as you sensed his fingers started to fumble and shake on the small of your back. He began to edge them slowly, slowly, slowly, down your back, until his hand rested firmly on your thigh. He squeezed once; firmly and sharply, causing you to suck in a deep breath and tense your muscles.

"No," you let out. You sounded pained, but not actually in pain. It was a pleasure that you knew like the back of your hand now, thanks to Poe's expertise. "I love being woken up by someone that literally cannot get his hands off of me," you did, Maker, you really fucking did.

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