chapter fourteen: dust

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Everyone knew it. From the day after Poe's miraculous return to base, you'd been glowing. Your temper was down, your flushed cheeks were bright and your limbs were sore, but not from being stuck in a cockpit for eight hours. Everyone knew you and Poe were together, and you couldn't care less.

There were gentle mutterings whenever either of you entered the mess hall, or together, but when Poe's arm was wrapped around your waist and you leant into him—they were stone cold quiet. You felt strong and protected at the same time; untouchable.

You had him, what was better?

"I can't believe our friendship started on a mutual disinterest in Poe, only for you to start fucking dating him," Heidi teased. You shoved your fork into some of her potatoes, sticking them in your mouth before she could grab them back.

"Get over it," you spoke with your mouth full, sending her a full-cheeked grin. She scowled, kissing her teeth, before protectively pulling her plate closer to her side of the table.

"Maybe you're just jealous," Lynx said, giving Heidi an obvious side eye. Tension immediately swept between them, frozen in place, as if time had completely stopped around them.

"Jealous of what?" Heidi said icily. Lynx only smirked.

"Ten's getting laid—and you're not," he said slyly. You almost held your breath, never having seen the pilots behave this way with each other. There was a part of you that almost felt proud of Lynx. His shyness had rapidly decreased over the last month, opening him up to challenging and flirtatious conversations such as this.

Heidi ate it up. She loved to hate it. She loved to fight back.

And you weren't about to tell Lynx that you and pretty boy Dameron hadn't actually slept together yet. It'd been two weeks—no sex. Sure, you'd got close, but something always ended up cutting you off or interrupting.

You were trying not to overthink it, but you imagined the Maker was laughing at just how much you and Poe had been royally cockblocked. Two weeks of being official, and nothing.

"Speak for yourself, Bread Pudding," she said, warningly. "How much sex have you been having recently, then?" Lynx's face showed his answer; none.

"I've never expressed a complaint about it," he said defensively.

"No, but you've wanted to, huh?" Heidi's tone changed as she sidled up closer to Black-Three. "You've wanted to complain and rant and yell about how you're just dying for a quickie. Something nasty and rushed, sometimes that makes it hotter. Something where you can exert all that pent up pilot energy into a woman as equally as frustrated as you. Something that—," Lynx lunged immediately, getting in close to Heidi's face and shocking her so harshly that she flinched backwards in surprise. They were close enough to kiss.

He laid a gentle hand over her own. "Speak for yourself," he whispered, letting his words settle around her. Heidi's eyes widened. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Lynx hoisted himself up from the bench then, stealing one of Heidi's potatoes quickly and dropping it into his mouth. "See you guys at training," he said, but you knew that was meant for her—for Heidi. He sauntered out of the mess hall, not looking back once.

Heidi's eyes didn't leave his back until he'd turned the corner. You let out a long breath you hadn't even realised you'd been holding, choking slightly at the entire ordeal. "Holy shit," you spluttered out.

Heidi turned back to you, a look of utter surprise still stamped all over her face. You couldn't help it when you started laughing; you'd never seen her this stunned, this lost for words. Heidi fucking Jones was speechless, and she couldn't believe it either.

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