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"Imma go cook something" you made a quick excuse before quickly bolted yourself off of the floor towards the kitchen, and sighed afterwards.

Still, you can't forget what he had said and was constantly on your mind even while cooking food.

So it's  the real Kayden...

Meanwhile back in the living room, Jiwoo quietly stared at your back as you cook dinner.

He was still wondering why and how you knew about Kayden, nevertheless he's now at ease knowing he doesn't need to be on his toes all the time if he had spilled the secret to you accidentally.

Kayden looked at you indifferently not really minding how you just left and avoided confrontation, now that he realizes you weren't that much of a threat, he can now sit at ease also knowing he doesn't have to act like a stupid cat all the time.

"Oh Mr. Kayden... I was meaning to tell you something" Jiwoo scratched the back of his neck as he laughed nervously.


"Hahaha... Actually I wanted to ask for your advice-"

"Wait" Kayden ubruptedly said as he thought about something that could potentially be the reason of Jiwoo's sudden favor.

His face grew serious as he clasped both of hands together and posed into a thinking position.

"Let me eat first"

He said and Jiwoo chuckled in relief. Wondering why he was nervous for nothing.


"So, Jiyoung wants you to participate in the new Awakened Academy as an independent member, with their sponsorship?" He blurted, thinking how to make a great response to this.

Whilst you were there quietly consuming the information like an obedient student, nodding their heads 24/7

You were actually very surprised knowing Jiwoo had been given a sponsorship to be able to participate in an Academy. You didn't know how strong he is and personally, wanted to see it for yourself.

It makes you more curious of his power and skill.

You weren't expecting much of the Academy though, at first you were also surprised that Korea was implementing their own Academy in secret. But considering they're not one of the countries with high rate of strong awakeners, you weren't really that expectant with that.

"Shinhwa is doing you a favor", Kayden started, catching both yours and Jiwoo's attention.

"She probably didn't explain it to you , but the requirements must have been strict to participate"

"How special is it??" Jiwoo asked.

"You said only two to three members from each group will come, right?  That means they're the star pupils of their group"

Jiwoo's face lit up and so did yours, seeing how Jiwoo was valued and taken care of made you happy. He was finally getting recognition and happiness from the Awakened world, the very thing he was afraid of before.

You smiled through your cheeks , hitting jiwoo in the arm playfully.

"That means Shinhwa adores you" You playfully smirked at him making him blush out of embarrassment, "sheesh... can't believe you made it that far on your own" You said, genuinely meaning it.

"And considering he just discovered his capabilities not too long ago makes it even more amazing" Kayden started.

Whoa, I didn't know Kayden, a person who is as self-absorbed as he is, can give compliments seriously??

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