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Wai woke up to constant ringing of his phone. He stretched his hand from under the comforter to look for his phone. He finally got hold of his phone and answered the call.

Wai: Hello


Wai was startled by the loud sound on the phone. He looked at the phone and was shocked to Pran's name on it.

Wai: Hey Pran. Why the hell are you shouting so early in the morning?

Pran: Wai, didn't you check the news on social media?

Wai: I just woke up. What are you so excited about ?.

Pran: Just check the message that I send you.

Wai clicked on Pran's message and was shocked to see a photo of Korn and Prim at a restaurant. The caption said,

"Business Tycoon Chai Suwan's daughter and CEO of  ANZ builders Prim Suwan dating a common Engineer."

Wai stared at the photo for some time. They look good together. Wai was brought back from his thoughts by Pran's voice calling out for him.

Pran: Wai

Wai: Hmm

Pran: Is this true?

Wai: I don't know.

Pran: I thought you both..

Wai sighs and closes his eyes to collect his thoughts.

Wai: We are friends and nothing more.

Pran: Wai

Wai: Please Pran. It took a lot of courage to accept the fact that he is not mine. I need to accept this because I don't want to lose him as my friend.

Pran: Hmm

They continue talking for some time and then disconnect the call. Wai gets out of his bed and goes to the washroom to clean up. He then gets dressed and walks out of his room. He stopped walking for a second when he saw Korn standing in the kitchen in his pajamas.

Korn: Hey. Goodmorning

Wai: Goodmorning

Kai: Breakfast is ready. It's your favorite.

Wai: No thanks. I will eat something outside. I have something urgent to do.

Korn: But

Wai walks away before he would complete his sentence.  He paused at the door and turned around to look at Korn.

Wai: By the way, Congratulations.

Korn looks at him confused. Wai walked away before he could ask anything.

Later Korn takes bath and changes into his office wear. He sits down to eat his breakfast but he didn't feel like having anything without Wai. His thoughts were full of Wai and his actions. Then his phone starts ringing. It is Pat calling him.

Korn: Hey

Pat: Hey dude. Congrats.

Korn: What the hell are you congratulating me for.

Pat: For your new girlfriend.

Korn: What girlfriend?

Pat: Look at your phone dude.

Korn quickly checked his phone and was shocked to see the newsfeeds with his and Prim's photos.

Korn: What the hell?

Pat: Korn, what happened dude? Why do you sound so upset?

Korn: I..I

Pat: Is it Wai?

Korn: Shit man. I screwed up so bad. She is just a client. I didn't know this would become a news headline. Wai must have seen it. He...

Pat: Korn, tell me the truth. Do you love Wai?

Korn keeps silence.

Pat: I will take your silence as yes. Please clear this misunderstanding and try to convey your feeling before it is too late.

Korn: Thanks dude. I will talk to Wai.

Korn tried calling Wai after he spoke to Pat but he did not answer the call. He decided to meet him at the office but he was surprised to find out that Wai didn't come to the office. He tried calling him once again but his phone was switched off. Korn was getting frustrated now. At that moment he got a call from his boss saying that he has a meeting with ANZ builders. He decided to go there and clear everything with Prim.

At ANZ Builders office:

Korn finished his meeting with the client and walked out of the conference room to go back to his office.


Korn: Hello Prim. How may I help you?

Prim: Are you free? Can we have a cup of coffee?

Korn: Prim, I...

Prim suddenly holds Korn's hand and starts to give him a cute pleading look.

Korn: Okay. Just one coffee.

They leave the building and goes to a near by coffee shop. As they sits there waiting for their coffee, Korn felt Prim's eyes on him.

Korn: Is there something on my face?

Prim: No

Korn: You have been staring at me for some time.

Prim: I..I..I wanted to know if you are single.

Korn: Why?

Prim: I like you Korn and I would like to go out with you.

Korn: I am sorry Prim. I already have someone I like.

Prim: Oh

Korn then saw Wai standing outside the cafe looking at him.

Korn: Shit...Shit..Shit..

Wai started to walk away from there. He could see tears in his eyes.

Korn: I am sorry. I need to leave, Now.

Korn ran out of the cafe but Wai was no longer there. He tried calling him but his phone was switched off. He then went to all the places where Wai like to go but he was not there. He finally decide to go home and wait as he was sure he would come home soon.

As Korn reached home, he was met by complete silence. He switched on the lights and walked into Wai's room but something was not right there. Wai's things were missing. He checked his wardrobe and all his clothes were gone.

Korn: Wai...,please don't do this to me. Please come back.

Tears started dropping down his eyes.

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