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After the first hour of class, Korn sends out a message to everyone including Architecture gang to meet up at the curry house. Pat gives him a questioning look but Korn just shrugs and says later.

Lunch Break:

Korn packs his bag and hurries out of the class once the teacher leaves the classroom.

Pat: Hey a**hole, where are you going?

Korn: I need to go somewhere urgently. Meet you at the curry house.

Korn rushes out before Pat can say anything. Korn gets on his bike and rides to the Architecture department. He parks his bike before the building and waits for Wai. After 5 minutes, Wai walks out of the building with Pran,Louis and Safe. He saw Korn waiting for him and looks at his friends in panic.

Wai: I will come now.

Pran: Wai..

Wai runs towards Korn who was waiting for him.

Korn: Hey

Wai: What are you doing here?

Korn: Waiting for you. We have to be in character to pull off this drama.

Wai: But my friends

Korn: They are already standing behind you.

Wai turns around to see Pran, Louis and Safe looking at him curiously.

Wai: We....We.

Korn: We will meet you at the curry house guys. We have something urgent to do.

Korn pulls Wai on to his bike and rides away from there.

Pran: What the h....

Soon everyone expect Korn and Wai gather at the curry house.

Pat: What the hell is going on between Korn and Wai?

Pran: I don't know. They are acting so strange right now. Korn even came to the Architecture department to pick Wai.

Pat: WHAT?

Mo: Are they dating?

Everyone: WHAT?

Chang: Mo may be right. I heard someone saying that they both came to the University together.

Safe: Shit

Louis: Why are they hiding it from us?It's not like we won't accept them. We accepted Pran and Pat's relationship.

Pran: Hmm. There must be something else that we are not aware of. Let's wait for them.

Pat: Hmm. Let me call Korn and check where they are.

Just as he was about to call him, Korn arrived there with Wai.

Korn: Hey. Sorry for being late.

Korn pulled a chair for Wai and then sat down.

Korn: Did you guys order?

Everyone nods there head.

Korn: Let me order something and then we can talk.

He then looks at Wai.

Korn: Wai, what do you want to eat? Is thai green curry and rice okay for you?

Wai: Hmm

Korn goes to order their food while everyone else looks at Korn and Wai with raised eyebrows.

Pran: Care to explain.

Wai: Let him come.

Soon Korn joins them at their table.

Pat: Are you guys dating?

Korn/Wai: Yes/No

Everyone looks at them confused.

Korn: Let me explain.

Korn tells everyone what happened the day before at the bar.

Pran: Wai, why didn't you tell me about the guy with the gun?

Wai: Pran, you were already stressed out because of Pat. I didn't want to stress you more.

Pran: But this is serious Wai.

Korn: Don't worry Pran. I made this arrangement so that someone will always keep an eye on him. You know how we believe in brotherhood. Now that he is known as my boyfriend, if someone bothers him, I will be informed immediately.

Pran: Hmm

Pat: I never knew my friend was so smart.

Korn: A**hole.

Soon the food arrives and they began to eat. The table was filled with laughter and noise as they teased each other. After lunch, Wai went with Korn on his bike while the others followed them in their car.

At Architecture department:

Korn dropped Wai outside the building.

Wai: That went better than I thought.

Korn: They are more accepting than someone here who was sulking for a long time after outing his friend. Wai's facial expression changes on hearing Korn's words. He regretted what he did at that time but hearing Korn say that hurt him more.

Wai: I will leave now. You don't have to pick me in the evening. I will go on my own.

Wai quickly walks away from Korn.

Korn: Shit, this stupid mouth of mine. Never thinks before speaking. I think I hurt him with my words. Korn felt a pang in his heart on seeing Wai's sad face. He quickly gets up from his bike and runs behind Wai. He stops Wai by holding his hands.

Korn: I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.

Wai: It's okay. You just told the truth.

Korn: No. I know you care for Pran a lot and didn't mean to hurt him. It was just impulsive behavior. I understand.

A tear drops out of Wai's eyes.

Korn: Wai

Korn quickly wipes the tears and places a kiss on his forehead.

Korn: I hate seeing tears in your eyes. You are my bold and hot headed rival. Don't forger that.

Wai hits Korn playfully.

Korn: Okay. Go to the class. I will pick you up in the evening.

Wai: But

Kai: No but. Just go.

Wai: Hmm

Korn waves goodbye and walks towards his bike with a smile on his face.

Not far from them, Pat, Pran and their friends were watching the interaction between them.

Pran: Are they still fake dating?

Pat: I don't know. They seem too involved.

Pran: Hmm. Let's wait and see where this leads to.

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