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They soon got home,as soon as they opened the door to their mothers house their mother gave them an intense, angry frown, "Are you kidding me?! You stupid child! You got your own father in jail!" She screamed "Im gonna make your life a living hell," She said with no emotion whatsoever. Pax shook it off and ran to their room and grabbed a bag and started packing. She grabbed some clothes some food and $15. She was ready to leave that night.
It was 3:38am when she wrote a note stating,

Dear mum and Sam,
Im sorry to say, but I have decided to run away, I find living here very unfair and it's really took a toll on me. To my brother sam, i wish you a great life and hope to see you again, someday. To my mother I couldn't care less what will happen to you, you have failed to raise me, now look what you did.

She then left through the window and ran into the woods. She ran down into the woods, it was 4:12 when she found a tree for her to finally sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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