Chapter 9: An Award Winning Performance

Start from the beginning

After they have sex, Meli is fast asleep. Neshon quietly gets up and goes to the bathroom rubbing his eyes. He quietly closes the door and immediately pulls the white contacts out of his eyes. He puts a few eye drops in his eyes to stop the irritation, then puts some cold water on his face. As he opens his left eye and looks up his gold iris and retina sparkles over his onyx black eyeball. He turns the water off and dries his face. He chuckles as he puts the contacts in solution and pulls another pair out of his basketball shorts pocket. He sits them on the counter and sits on the edge of the bathtub. He places his hands on his head and sighs. He has to think of this next move and quick. He hears the lamp click on in the bedroom and rushes to put the contacts in. In less than a second Meli was outside the door calling Neshon's name.

He flushed the toilet and runs the water as he puts his other contact in. He washes his hands & dries them. He takes one last look in the mirror before he puts the contact case in his pocket and opens the bathroom door.

Meli gives him a kiss and giggles and she leads him back to the bedroom. They lay back down and Meli puts her head on Neshon's chest.

"I missed you Shon, more than you know. I've been so lonely & with you back at my side I feel protected. I haven't even been organizing anything with the Royals because I've been so depressed. However.." she stops speaking and she goes into the bedside drawer. She pulls out a map of New York. She colored & dated it according to the various gang movements and conquests. Even though she's been reserved she's still doing her research on everyone else.

"this is our guide to greatness. As you can see we have a long way to go & lots of areas to take over but since we've gone dark we've ben training and recruiting. Oh yes, here comes the group of new recruits now." She says proudly.

As the steps get closer and the door opens. Neshon pours another shot and starts rolling a spliff. The recruits line up and Meli starts to take off her shades. Neshon is surprised to see their all female. Meli stands up and stands infront of Neshon facing the line of women. The women also have shades & hats on & Neshon can't make out their faces.

"after our last battle, I couldn't help but think. How did we not know that these motherfuckers had powers?" She says while walking towards Neshon.

Neshon quietly swallows his spit.

"& I came to an answer.... Instead of trying to figure out their powers. We should get some of our own. They think we're just a bunch or rich morons & I've done something monumental.. take off your glasses ladies." She says.

Meli turns around and Neshon sees their eyes. They shine a captivating rose gold color. He smirks, all she'd see is red flags anyway.

"they're not just gorgeous, they're deadly.." she says

Meli runs her unusually sharp nails across Neshon's neck. Neshon has a look of confusion across his face.

"want to see an example?" She asks.

Neshon sits up as Meli buzzes two guards and a prisoner in. They throw him on the floor and leave him.

"he was caught selling our secrets to other gangs. I couldn't think of an appropriate punishment until now.. sit him up. Era, come here." She says while beckoning towards her.

A long legged, slim woman came to the front. Her skin color reminded you of the finest chocolate from the old days. Neshon was captivated by her and caught Meli's eye out the corner of his eyes. He sits up.

Neshon clears his throat. "so, how does this work? You gotta look at them? Make them dinner, what?" He says.

Meli glares at Neshon then smiles. Neshon em ever joked like that. Meli thinks about the story he told her about his escape and realized that there's holes in it. She shakes it off and figured this show of power will be enough for him to realize that she's not the same girl that needed to be protected.

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