Chapter 5: Different Drum

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At the Youth Center, Kimberly was teaching a dance class, and Jason and Trini were arm wrestling, while Zack and Penelope watched. "Three and the next one we're gonna turn and turn." Kimberly explains. "Come on, come on." Zack says, watching Trini and Jason. "And one more time, and turn." Kimberly says turning as Erine walks in with a cart holding towels and dances along. "How's everybody feeling?" Kimberly asks, pumping her arm towards her chest and then back out to the side. "Good." They all chime. "Huh, I can't hear you." Kimberly says. "Woo," They say. "I still can't hear you." Kimberly says. Penelope averts her attention towards Ernie, who's now standing beside Billy dancing. "Woo." They say. "And turn. How's everybody doing?" Kimberly asks as she turns. Penelope holds back her laughter as Ernie is really getting into it. They all chime in, "Woo." Billy dances back around and trips over the Step up boards falling onto the rollaway cart and towels, Billy yells as the cart rolls in every direction while Kimberly still has her back turned on the others. "Look out!" Billy says as he rolls into the hallway, he somehow rolls back into the room covered in toilet paper and other things, and the cart tips over, sending Billy flying. Kimberly moves just in time as Billy hits the wall. Kimberly comes over to Billy, leaning down towards him, "Billy, let me let you in on a little secret, this is not a way to meet girls." Billy groans crawling over towards the Juice Bar, as Trini and Penelope come over to help Billy. "Billy, what happened?" Trini asks. "Are you okay?" Penelope asks as she and Trini help Billy over to the Juice Bar, while Billy groans. "My main brain, what's up?" Zack asks as Trini takes the towel off of Billy's neck. "I'm more intrigued by the rhythmic modulation yet daunted by the coordinating movement of the appendages." Billy explains. "Say what?" Zack asks. "He can't dance." Trini and Penelope say. "Precisely." Billy says. "It's okay Billy, if it makes you feel any better, the same thing happened to me last year." Penelope says, causing Billy to look at her. "It did?" "Oh yeah, I didn't know any of you right away, but Kimberly. She was my first friend and she thought it'd be a great idea for me to join her dance class, which I insisted that it wasn't a good idea. Well, halfway into the performance I tripped right into the towel cart and went for quite a ride, Kim told me when it comes to dancing I have two left feet." "So, Billy has two left feet when it comes to dancing?" Zack asks. "Are you saying that Billy should give up?" Jason asks. "Guys, she wasn't done with her story." Trini says. "I am saying that Billy has two left feet, and no he shouldn't give up. I almost gave up, but that's when I met Trini and she told me that even though I failed once, I should try again." Penelope grabs Billy's hand, "I'm saying you need to keep trying your hardest, you'll get there." "Did you?" Billy asks. Penelope shakes her head, laughing. "Oh no, I never got the hang of it. But you will because you'll memorize the steps with that big brain of yours. Now get back over there and keep trying." Penelope says with a smile. "Thank you, Penelope." Billy says, before walking back over to the class. "That was really kind of you to tell Billy that story and to motivate him." Trini says. "You did it for me, I thought I would pass the advice along." Penelope says, watching Billy. "Alright, everyone, let's do one more song and we'll call it a day." Kimberly says. "Everyone ready?" She asks. "And left." Kimberly says stepping left and clapping. "And right." Kimberly says, stepping right, and clapping. Bulk and Skull walk in, standing in front of Jason and Zack, "Look at all the little rapid ballerinas." Bulks says. Skull puts his arm on Bulk's shoulder looking at him, "Not even ballerinas, the stuff they're doing is too easy." Bilk gives Skull a look and he takes his arm off Bulk's shoulder. "You think so, huh?" Zack asks. Both Bulk and Skull turn around, and they both look at Zack. "I'd like to see you try." Zack says. Bulk starts dancing and Zack moves his stool back giving Bulk some room. Bulk does some steps, counting to three before he kicks Jason's stool from under him. Jason almost falls, grabbing everyone's attention. Jason tries to go after Bulk back Zack gently pushes Jason backwards. "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Zack says. Trini comes over to check on Jason. "You can get with those steps, but can you get with these?" Zack asks Bulk. Zack does some steps and they cheer for him, then he steps backwards. "No problem." Bulk says, stepping forward and doing a poor imitation of Zack's dance. Once done Skull cheers for Bulk. "Hold on, hold on." Zack says, stepping forward and doing some spins before doing a split. "Go Zack, yes!" Trini says, clapping as Zack walks over to her and Jason. Zack clasps hands with Jason, before standing beside him. "Piece of cake." Bulk says, stepping forward. Bulk tries to copy Zack's move and bends over ripping his pants, causing everyone to laugh even Skull. Bulk looks at Skull and he stops laughing, "Come here." Skull walks over to Bulk, helping him up. Bulk and Skull step back and Zack steps forward, "Check this out." Zack turns around and walks towards the counter. "Let's have some fun." Zack does a handstand on the counter. Everyone claps for Zack. "Yeah, not bad." Jason says. Bulk tries to do the same thing, but instead slides over the counter and everyone laughs. Bulk comes back up with food in his mouth Zack and Skull go over to Bulk. Skull helps Bulk with the food, while Zack along with everyone else laughs. "You can have it, I wasn't hungry anyway." Zack says laughing. "Okay, that was a great class." Kimberly says, dismissing everyone. Kimberly, Billy, and Penelope walk over to the others. "We better bail or we're gonna miss the movie." Zack says to the others. Bulk glares at Zack, "Yeah, you better bail fast, cause nobody tricks me." "Really, looks like we already did." Zack says as he and the others walk away, laughing.

The Rangers follow Melissa when she stops, grabbing Jason's upper arm and pointing to a cave with a net over the entrance. "They're in there?" Jason asks, Melissa nods. "Okay. Okay, I want you to hide here and wait for me, okay go up behind the bushes, hurry." Kimberly says, gently pushing Melissa up the hill before turning back to the others. "All right guys, it's Morphin' time," Jason says. "Mastadon!" Zack calls out. "Pterodactyl!" Kimberly calls out. "Triceratops!" Billy shouts. "Saber-Tooth Tiger!" Trini shouts. "Plesiosaurs!" Penelope shouts. "Tyrannosaurus!" Jason shouts. "Power Rangers!" They all call out. The Gnarly Gnome shows up and blasts the Rangers with his weapon, but they get back up using their weapons on him. "All right ugly, release the girls!" Jason says, attacking the Gnarly Gnome and knocking him down. The Gnarly Gnome gets back up and the other Rangers attack him. "Lock them up!" Jason says. Then they form their Weapons in a circle, locking them up. "Cosmic Cannon!" Zack says, throwing his weapon into the air. "Power Bow!" Kimberly says, throwing her weapon into the air, it attaches to Zack's. "Dino Daggers!" Trini says, throwing her weapons into the air, they attach to the others. "Mighty Mace!" Billy says, throwing them into the air, they attach to the others. "Mighty Blades!" Penelope says, throwing them into the air, they attach to the others. "Power Blaster!" Jason calls out. "Ready!" The other Rangers say, as they blast The Gnarly Gnome and destroy him, although the moment is short-lived as The Gnarly Gnome is huge! "I call on the Mighty Power of the Dino Zords!" Jason says. The Zords come to life, going to their respective owners. "Let's do it!" Jason says, jumping into his Zord. "Right!" The girls say in unison, jumping into their Zords. "Morphin'!" Zack and Billy say as they jump into their Zords. "Rangers, log on!" Jason says. "Back here, all systems go!" Zack says. "This is Billy, I'm nominal." "Trini here, ready to rock!" "Penelope here, let's kick some butt!" "I just love this part," Kimberly says. "Let's show 'em some Megazord power!" Jason says, "Power up your crystals, we're going to tank mode!" The Rangers power up their Crystals, "Power up." The Rangers sync up their Crystals, "All right, I feel a rescue coming on!" Jason says as the Zords combine into a tank. They blast The Gnarly Gnome who blasts the Tank back, rocking it, "Switching to battle mode now!" Jason says. The Tank commences into Battle Mode. The Rangers battle with The Gnarly Gnome for his staff grabbing it from him. The Gnarly Gnome plays his accordion, "Listen to my music fall into my power!" The Gnarly Gnome says, still playing his accordion. The Rangers drop his staff and they cover their ears, while The Gnarly Gnome attacks the Megazord twice, the second time he's caught by the Rangers. "Power up the Mega Sword," Jason says. They strike The Gnarly Gnome with the sword and he strikes back. "Strike three, you're out." The Rangers say and then they strike The Gnarly Gnome and destroy him. "All right Power Rangers, let's go down and get the girls out of the cave and take them home," Jason says.

"You should have seen the Power Rangers, Kimberly they were great!" A girl says. "So, like, what happened?" Another girl asks. "Melissa ran for help and this totally mega monster hypnotized you and trapped you in a cave," Kimberly explains. "So, like, without without her and the Power Rangers," Zack starts getting cut off by another girl. "Well, we could've been trapped forever." "Hey, we owe you big time." The first girl says, hugging Melissa. Kimberly signs a thank you to Melissa and hugs her. "Yeah." Zack claps, "Let's go get some ice cream!"

At the Youth Center, Ernie speaks to the kids. "Hey, kids sodas on the house." "All right, Ernie," Zack says. "To Melissa," Trini says. "All right, Melissa, yeah!" Zack says. Jason starts signing something to Melissa and both she and Kimberly laugh. "What? What?" "You just told her, your dog smells," Kimberly says. "Good one buddy," Zack says as everyone laughs. "Well, we'll work on it," Jason says. Melissa starts signing to Billy to dance. "What's she saying?" Billy asks. "She's asking if you want to dance," Kimberly says. " No. No." Billy says. "C'mon Billy," Penelope says. Everyone urges Billy to dance with Melissa as she takes his hand. Penelope smiles, but internally she's screaming. "You know Zack, if you're right...Sign Language isn't that hard to learn." Jason says. "But man, Sign Language is a whole new world of rapping. There's a lot we can learn from Melissa." Zack explains. "You know, I used to think Melissa was pretty happy before. Then she saved her friends, and now..." Kimberly says. Billy's dancing got better as he made cool moves and everyone cheered. "She's a miracle worker."

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