Chapter 4: A Pressing Engagement

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At the Angel Grove Youth Center kids are doing things there Jason is lifting weights. "988...989...990...991...992...993...Come on, Jase, you can do it." Ernie says. Kimberly was practicing her gymnastics on the balance beam. Penelope was cleaning her brushes off, from her painting that she's been secretly working on. "Okay, really." Kimberly says. "Come on, Jase." Ernie says. "Concentrate." Kimberly says. "10,010, and you break the record. That's it nice and steady. By the way what number are we on?" Ernie asks Jason. "995." Jason tells Ernie, who nods and eats his sandwich. "997." Ernie says. "Yes!" Kimberly says as she perfects the move. "998...999." Ernie says. "So what number is he on?" Kimberly asks as she walks over. Ernie mumbled as he was chewing his sandwich. "Once more, please without the sub." Kimberly says to Ernie. "1,003." Ernie says. "Yes, Jason you're going to do it!" Kimberly says. "Come on. 1,004. Kid, you're almost there! 1,005." Ernie says. "I'm so nervous, he's going to break the record." Kimberly says. "And Angel Grove High is going to have a new winner." Ernie says. "What number am I on?" Jason asks Ernie. "That was on, uh-oh, I lost count." Ernie says. Everyone was shocked that Ernie forgot what number Jason was on. "Can you start again?" Ernie asks. Jason sighs, cause he has to start all over again. Sometime later Jason was closer than ever. "1,007, 1,008. Come on, Jason, you can do it! 1,009! One more, Jason. You can do it, buddy! You can do it! Come on." Ernie says, cheering Jason on. Penelope sees Zack and waves at him, "Hey Zack, you should be careful." "Don't worry I got this." Zack says. "Here he goes. Thousand and come on, Jason! Put it up! A thousand and..." Ernie gets cut off by a guy speaking. "Hey, guys, look at Kimberly." Kimberly blows a big bubble with her gum before Zack collides with her. "Eww! Gross me out." Kimberly says pulling the gum off her face. "Wipe out." Zack says with a laugh, pulling the gum off his face. Kimberly is back on the Balance Beam, practicing her gymnastics, Jason and Zack are sitting at a table talking and watching Kimberly. "So what do you say Jase? Am I forgiven?" Zack asks, looking at Jason. "Apology...accepted." Jason says. Zack claps his hands together once. "Jammin. Fruit shakes on the Zack man." Zack says and he and Jason clasp hands. "Ernie! Another round please!" Jason says as Kimberly and Penelope walk over and sit down, Kimberly puts her shoes on. Zack looks at Kimberly, "Kimberly, about the uh, you know the skateboard. And you know, bubblegum...I just wanna..." Kimberly cuts Zack off, "Apologise?" "Yeah." Zack says. Kimberly hits Zack on the leg gently. "Forget it. It's casual." Kimberly says, taking a drink of her smoothie. "Alright." Zack says. "You know, guys I'm kind of bummed out about this bench press record thing. I don't wanna be known as a quitter." Jason says. "A quitter?" Zack asks. "Shh..." Jason hushes Zack. "A quitter." Zack whispers. Bulk and Skull walk up to the four laughing, they stand between Kimberly and Zack. "Hi, pinhead. I heard you choked today." Bulk says as Skull makes choking noises from beside Bulk. "The bench press record is still mine." Bulk says walking behind Jason, he grabs him lifting him from behind. Zack stands to his feet, "You two are a bad dream. Let him go, Bulk!" Zack says, as Skull grabs Zack's shoulders pushing him back down in his chair. "Yeah, let him go." Penelope says. "Hey, I got this." Jason says. "Oh, oh, you're tough. You're a man, you're so tough I'm shaking." Bulk says. "Hey Bulk, you ticklish?" Jason asks before tickling Bulk, then he steps on Bulk's foot hard. "My foot!" Bulk says as he hunches over and his pants rip, exposing Bulk's underwear. The four start laughing. "My pants." Bulk says as he motions for Skull to come to help him, which makes it worse. Bulk's pants become loose and they fall to the ground. Bulk glares at Skull causing Skull to leave, Bulk tries to chase after him, but trips and falls to the floor. Bulk gets up and scurries off. "I told you I could handle myself." Jason says, laughing. "Ain't nobody said you couldn't." Zack says. "Yeah, that's right. What's wrong with getting a little help from your friends?" Kimberly asks. "Yeah, Kim's right." Penelope says. "Nothing, unless you're trying to break the bench press record." Jason says, causing Zack and Kimberly to laugh and nod. Their Communicator beeps as Ernie comes with their smoothies, Jason and Zack both cover up Jason's Communicator. "Um, new watch." Zack says as the four of them get up. "Yeah." Penelope says. "Yeah, bye!" Kimberly says. "Put it on my tab." Zack says.

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