"where are we going?! we can't just leave them?!" sokka shouted but senna ignored it as she watches a big crowd of people dancing to the rhythm of the song.

there was a live band playing on stage and everyone who wasn't dancing cheered.

senna turned to sokka, "remember 2 years ago you promised a princess a dance to this very song?" she breathes, out of breath from running. sokka looks at her confused but slowly starts to remember and then realizes.

"that was you?" sokka asked, earning a smile and a nod from senna. she then dragged him to the dance floor, "dance with me!"

sokkas eyes go wide and he shakes his head, "what?! no way! i cant dance!"

"it's easy, watch me." she says. she waits for a moment so she can match her dance to the rhythm of the music then shows sokka her moves. lifting up her dress to show her feet, she hops to her left foot first and then her right and repeats it.

then she grabbed sokkas hands, "spin me," he listens and the girl spins, laughing. now she's back to her beginning stance, jumping to one foot and to the other. her dress glides with her as she dances.

she watches as sokka stares at her in confusion at the dance and laughs. the tempo of the music picks up and senna links arms with some random boy and the two spin with each other, laughing.

"try it! come on!" soon the whole crowd was doing the dance senna created which made her smile.

he shakes his head with a look of horror on his face. sokka did not have a dancing bone in his body, but if it made senna happy, he would do it.

"okay, let's do it." he sighed and smiled as the girl in front of him cheered. the two teenagers picked up to the melody of the music as it returned to the same. the two got into their stances and did the dance senna had did moments prior.

the two held big smiles on their faces as they danced, both feeling the happiest they'd been in a while.

along with the residents who watches the teens do their dance, katara watched as well. she smiled at how happy her brother looked while being with the girl.

the girl katara has hated for weeks but maybe her brother and aang were right. she wasn't as bad as she thought she was.

elders smiled at the pair and others cheered them on as other dancers joined in on the same dance.

before sokka could try to mix things up a bit, he and senna were separated. he groaned as he danced with a random woman, watching senna dance happily with the same boy from before.

that prick so likes her.

another woman grabbed his hands and began dancing with him. suddenly the boy spun senna and let go of her hand, sending her flying. sokka left the poor woman and caught senna.

the two began to blush uncontrollably at the fact their bodies were so close and pushed together, neither of them wanting to pull away.

"you big liar." the girl grinned, "you said you couldn't dance." her voice was quiet since they were so close to each other.

"then i guess you're just a great teacher." sokka replied, his voice low as well, making senna melt.

sennas eyes moved to his lips then back to his eyes. sokkas eyes doing the same. she wondered how it would feel to kiss the boy. would it feel magical just like she imagined it to be?

sokka saw the girls eyes wonder and he leaned closer to her, their noses now touching. senna nervously smiled and held her breath, sokka doing the same.

both teens not knowing what to do or how to make the first move.

"do it." senna whispered and their lips collided, sennas stomach filling up with millions and millions of butterflies.

sokka wrapped his arms around the girls waist, pulling her closer. because of the height difference, senna had to stand on her tippy toes.

but their kiss was forced to an end. katara and aang dragged the two away, following a strange man with a hood.

"what's going on?" senna asked, disappointed that her and sokkas moment ended.

"aang was discovered! all the guards are looking for us!" katara yelled as they entered an alley.

"im calling appa!" aang said, pulling out his bison whistle. im hoping that works, aang. please appa. senna thought to herself.

"this way!" said the hooded man, as he led them down another alley where guards were waiting. the hooded man threw a smoke bomb at the soldiers and lead the teens to another dead end, a giant crate full of fireworks in front of them.

son of a bitch! senna mentally slapped herself but was now full of hope when she heard appa.

"appa! down here!" aang called to his bison. the sight of appa scared off the soldiers and the flying bison bended air with his tail to knock them into another alley way just a few feet away.

this gave the gang and the mystery man enough time to climb onto appa and fly away.

what a nice peaceful night at the festival.

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